MistleTricked Pt.2

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When I was sitting on the roof I saw Cadenza running up to the house. I heard something break, and jumped. My feet started slipping, and I fell on my butt, and slid off the roof into a huge snow pile. I just sat there staring at the sky. I thought I heard something crack, and I just laid there in the snow as my leg was consumed with pain. I almost felt like I couldn't move anything. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" Cadenza yelled.

"Nya~?" Kawaii~Chan asked confused.

"You dare interrupt Laurance from kissing his one true love!?"

"Cadenza-" Laurance started.

"Not now Laurance! I'm saving your skin!"


"It's obvious Laurance should be under that mistletoe!" I felt my eyes getting heavy, and curled up tightly.

"Hey! Back off!" Nicole yelled.

"Finally someone with some sanity," Katelyn sighed.

"Now, you ladies are acting like absolute immature brats!"

"Thank you!" Katelyn sighed again.

"It's Garroth who should be under that mistletoe with Aphmau!"

"Wha? Nicole!" Katelyn yelled as my senses shut down, and I fell asleep in the cold snow.

I woke up in a warm room with a thick wool blanket wrapped around me. "I can't even... believe this... I how?" I curled up trying to hide myself from the cold. "(Y/N)? Are you awake?"

"Mm, mhm," I mumbled. I was embraced in a huge hug. I found myself hugging Laurance back tightly with tears running down my face. "I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be sorry. I should've known better."

"Can we go downstairs?" I asked, pulling the blanket tighter around me.

"Sure," Laurance said helping me from Aphmau's bed. I kept the blanket with me as we walked downstairs. I saw Cadenza.

"Hey, Cadenza," I smiled sleepily.

"Hey, (Y/N)."

"What happened to the door?"

"Oh, it uh just broke... suddenly," she shrugged.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, that happens to me a lot," Garroth smiled.

"I still hate you Garroth," Dante sneered. I looked at Garroth, then at the ground.

"A-Are you feeling... better?" I whispered.

"Me? You almost froze outside, what happened to me was nothing compared to what happened to you." I hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been getting that far into your personal life." Then Garroth looked at Dante. "Sticks and stones Dante. I'm stronger than that." Then Dante walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, Aphmau that's right I brought some dessert I made, it's cupcakes with extra sprinkles." Cadenza said and handed her a bunch of cupcakes with loads of sprinkles. I walked into the kitchen after Dante. I could here Garroth cry from the kitchen. Laurance followed me.

"So you're feeling better?"

"Much," I smiled. Katelyn was in the kitchen and I looked at her. "Katelyn?"


"Do you mind getting me something warm to drink?"

"Sure, why were you outside again?"

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