Convention... Okay(Final!). Pt. 3

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~Time Skip to last day~

I woke up super late by accident. AND today was the last day of the convention and I was super stoked for the singing contents which was at like noon. IRENE! TWELVE O'CLOCK COULDN'T COME FASTER! Well it was in about an hour. I shook Laurance awake because he'd slept in too. "Laurance! Today is the last day!"

"I know!" He whined, sitting up. "Who are we today?"

"FAIRY TAIL!" I screamed. He covered his ears and fell off the bed.


"Sorry," I giggled excitedly.

"So how are we gonna do this? A couple?"

"Somewhat," I changed him into Jellal. He looked down.

"And what are you going to be? The Heaven Tower?"

"Nah, ima be Erza!" I changed myself into her... well one of her many outfits, this one without the armour. The wrapped top and the flame colored pants, no shoes and a fake katana. "I mean Jellal is obviously her love interest... and I wasn't too keen of us being Nalu," I sighed.

"Eh. I guess this works," he says putting his arm around my shoulders. I nudged him off.

"Well let's go then!"

I was waiting for the Taylor girl to finish singing A Thousand Years, I was last again, but Taylor was the first. I noticed that Laurance was the only one that I knew in the crowd. "Where are the others?" I mouthed. He just shrugged and messed with his pocket. Then it was Payton's turn, she sang Sad Song. Then it was Fallen(Author~Chan) and she sang Angel With A Shotgun. I bit my lip. As she finished.

"Alright, now our last contestant is (Y/N) Ro'Meave." I walked up. I got ready to sing Pretend It's Home by Beth Crowley. I enchanted the piano to play an angry tune that sounded like and electric guitar and drums and I stared at the crowd directing my feelings into the lyrics.

"Breathe it in. Let the fear consume you, then force it out. Remember that it's not true.

The higher you climb the farther you fall, but don't be ashamed of wanting it all.

Cause the view from the top. Is beautiful but fleeting. The world seems to stop, but looks can be deceiving. You're surrounded, but you'll always be alone. So pick a place,

pretend it's home.

~musical pause~

Take control. Be strong in your conviction. Embrace the pain. A dangerous addiction.

Once you make a choice there's no turning back. Trust only yourself when you're under attack.

Cause the view from the top. Is beautiful but fleeting. The world seems to stop, but looks can be deceiving. You're surrounded, but you'll always be alone. So pick a place,

pretend it's home.

~musical pause~

I'm a secret,
I'm a lie,
I'm the weakness I despise.
I am selfish,
I am brave,
I'll prove to you that I am not afraid!

That I am not afraid!
Cause the view from the top. It's beautiful but fleeting. The world seems to stop, but looks can be deceiving. You're surrounded, but you'll always be alone. So pick a place,

pretend it's home.

Pick a place, pretend it's home."

I finished and the audience went bananas. Laurance mostly, but everyone else seemed to like it too, even the other contestants seemed to like it. I walked to the side and Laurance ran over to me squashing me in a hug. "You were amazing!"

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