Vylad The Dingus

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"Where am I?" I muttered as I stared at a white ceiling. I tried to sit up, but pain spread through my gut and I felt sore AF. I was pushed down by two hands on my shoulders.

"Calm down (Y/N), we're at the hospital."



"Hmm," I smiled weakly. I squinted at his face. "So, when can I leave?"

"Wow, you realize you've been out for almost two weeks. I haven't seen you in almost two months..."

"I... wait what?"

"I was looking for almost two months."

"It's been... trash can!" I felt really sick.

"What?" I pointed to the trash can and covered my mouth with th the other hand. He got the message and scurried over to the trash can and handed it to me. I threw up as soon as it was in my hands. I set it down a laid back down. I closed my eyes, feeling very drained. "Are you okay?"

"No... not really. I'm tired."

"Well they said I could take you home today. Would you rather rest there?"

"Mmhm," I mumbled. I threw the covers off and Laurance helped me to my feet.

"Here," he handed me my black and white leggings with designs on them and my black sweatshirt with white arrows. I took them and looked at him. "Aph brought them over a few days ago. I nodded and changed into them. Laurance handed me some flats and I slipped them on. I hugged him and he pulled me tightly to his chest. I looked up at him and leaned in and kissed him.

When we got back home Laurance helped me upstairs and I fell asleep almost instantly.

"Hey (Y/N). How you feeling?"


"Yup. It's me."

"Uh, I feel sick, tired, weak." I listed. Not opening my eyes. "Where's Laurance?"

"He's downstairs making food."

"Mkay." I sighed. I let out a small breath.

"You're that tired that you can barely talk to me?"


"Okay, well I'll leave then. Aphmau invited me over anyway. If you feel better then feel free to come over."

"Mhm, bai," I mumbled before falling back asleep.

"Hey (Y/N)... wake up."


"I got a call from Garroth."

"Oh yeah? What'd he want?"

"Apparently Vylad is staying at Aphmau's now." I sat up.

"Excuse me?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Do you want to go see him?"

"No," I said sarcastically.

"Man the sarcasm in real." He joked.

"Let me change real quick." I said. I stripped then put on a white tee shirt and a grey sweater, and some black leggings with black boots and a brown scarf. I tucked my hair under the scarf and looked at Laurence who was sitting on the bed. "What are you staring at?"

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