Lip Locked

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*****Am I the only one who's getting bored with all this serious shtuff!?

"(Y/N)! Get your lazy butt up!" Laurance yelled. He jumped up and down on the bed.

"Laurance! Stop it I'm fragile!" I snapped.

"You need to go save Lucinda and Katelyn! They're fighting!"

"Crap... okay, I'll be back... unless I become one of their pawns. Wish me luck!" I said giving him a quick kiss, then running out of the house. "STOPPPPPPPPPP FIGHTTTTTTTTINGGGGG!!!!" I screamed, while laughing.

"(Y/N) stay out of this!" Katelyn snapped.

"Don't yell at me! I'm fragile," I said offensively.

"Anyway... where were we? Oh right. BRING IT! Whoever can get Aphmau to say if she does or does not have feelings for Aaron wins!"

"Oh Aph likes Aaron," I blurted. They looked at me. "... oh crapola." I said face palming.

"Wait really!?" Cadenza yelled with wide eyes. I waved my hands in front of their faces.

"You didn't here it from me! Zane totally told you because you asked! And I won!"

"Eh, I guess I could see that," Katelyn shrugged.

"Then I've got a better idea. Whoever can get more details about their relationship wins. Getting her to admit it is going to be like icing on cake."

"Deal!" Katelyn yelled.

"Okay you do that. Cadenza you wanna come over to Laurance and I's house and uh... watch The Walking Dead... or something?"

"Of course I would love to!"

"One sec." I pulled out my phone and called Laurance... when did my phone get in my pocket? Anyway.

"Hey babe."


"Well you sound a lot happier."

"And your point is?"

"Shut up."

"Na, I'm good."

"Alright anyway, what's going on? Need something?"


"Well what is it?"

"Cadenza's gonna come over and we're all gonna watch The Walking Dead. Wanna make snacks?"

"Will you make drinks?"

"When I change."


"See you in a bit Babe."

"Bye, see you soon." He hung up and I looked at Cadenza.

"What?" I turned around and saw Katelyn and Lucinda staring at me. "Why are you looking at me weird?"

"Babe?" Katelyn sneered.


"Who were you talking to?" Lucinda asked.

"Laurance," I said confused.

"BABE!?" Katelyn yelled.

"Chill it Kate. We're dating, and I'm due in a couple months so you need to chill!"


"Kay Cadenza les go!" I said grabbing her hand and starting to head to my house.

"Wait (Y/N)!" Lucinda yelled.


"You're preggers!?"

"Yeah! Didn't I tell you?"

"NO!" She yelled.

"Okay... well now you know! Lets go frand." I said then Cadenza and I left leaving Katelyn angry and Lucinda dumbfounded. I threw the door open. "We're not pawns anymore!" I laughed loudly. Laurance came out of the kitchen with a towel over his shoulder.

"Well that's good to know," He walked up to me and pressed his lips to mine. I didn't want to pull away. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he placed his hands behind my head, pulling me as close to him as I could. I feel like I haven't kissed him like this in forever. It was really nice. I moved my head a little trying to get in a comfortable position. I heard Cadenza squeal and I pulled away blushing lightly. I took a small step back. "Uh, hey sis." Laurance smiled sheepishly.

"Hey Laurance," she giggled. I noticed a phone in her hand.

"Cadenza... we're you taking pictures?"

"No!" She blushed.

"Then let me see your phone," I said holding my hand out. She clutched it to her chest.


"She took pictures!" Laurance laughed. I snatched her phone and ran up the stairs as she chased after me. I ran into my room and closed the door, locking it. I sunk to the floor looking at the pictures she took. I sent them to myself and then deleted them, and slid her phone under the door. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and stared at it.

"GET OUT OF THAT ROOM!" Cadenza yelled.

"AH NA! I've gotta change first!"

"Fine!!!!!!!! But let me in!"

"Finnnnnnnnnne!" I opened the door and she walked in.


"Shut up," I smiled. She walked to my dresser. Then pulled out some jean shorts and a baseball tee. She handed them to me. 

"Here ya go."

"Thankssssss." I took them and tried to change my shorts, in all honesty I couldn't get them past my thighs. "THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!" I yelled. "Wait, I've got this." I used my magyks to make them bigger so I could wear them. Then changed my shirt, which barley made it over my stomach. "I'M SOOOOOO BLOATED!"

"You look fine," Cadenza laughed.

"Get out of my room," I rolled my eyes. She left and I was about to follow when I got a phone call. "Hello?"



Loving the Ro'Meave Girl///Book 1Where stories live. Discover now