Meeting The Parents Again Pt. 2

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"... Dad!" Laurance yelled, hugging Hayden.

"And this must be the girl you spoke so fondly of this morning on the phone," Hayden said pulling away from Laurance. "(Y/N), right?"


"I remember you from high school," he smiled. "You've really grown up. So you two are dating?"

"Yes," I blushed.

"I figured it would happen at some point." He laughed.

"So Laurance why don't you give him a tour of our home, but not the kitchen," I said whispering the last part. "I'm going to get dinner warmed up." I said walking to the kitchen. I turned to oven on and sat on the island.

"(Embarrassing Nickname)! Could you come help me set the table?" I got down from the island and walked into the dinning room, and saw my mom putting plates on the table. I grabbed the silverware and started placing it.

Laurance's P.O.V.

We walked into (Y/N) and I's bedroom. I looked at Hayden. "I really am not supposed to tell you, but I'm too excited. (Y/N)'s pregnant," I whispered.

"What? Really? ...Wait. Did it happen... there?" He asked pointing to the bed.

"Uh... yeah... why?"

"No reason. Congrats!" He said patting me on the back. "How far in?"

"About... four months I'd say."

"Wait four months!?"

"She doesn't even look pregnant!" He whispered.

"She used her magyks to disguise it. But when she does tell you and her dad, then you need to act surprised."

"Okay." He sighed.

"Now let me show you where you'll be staying for tonight."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

The doorbell rang again. "Ohh, that should be your dad!" Mom smiled.

"I'll go get the door," I muttered, then walked to the front door and opened it. "Hey dad."

"How are you feeling?" He asked.



"Come in. Laurance! My dad's here!" I yelled. I heard running footsteps down the stairs and Laurance ran over to me, pushing me behind him. I hit his hands away, and stepped out from behind him. "Laurance this is my dad... you might remember him..."

"Yeah, I remember him," Laurance sighed angrily.

"Dad this is my boyfriend Laurance." I said messing with the skirt of my dress. "Uh, everyone else should be here shortly. I can give you a tour of the place. Laurance why don't you go get the lasagna out of the oven?" I asked. He nodded after a minute then walked away. "So this is our home."

"It's decent," he nodded. I clenched my fist.

"The kitchen is on the other side of this wall," I said pointing to my left, his right, "but it's a mess in there so not now. Over here is the living room." I said bringing him to the living room. "And in this room we have the dining room, which has a door to outside where we have a hot tub. We just don't use it... but feel free to jump in later." I brought him upstairs. "To our right is my bedroom, which also has a bathroom in it. These two doors to out left are the guest rooms. And the one on the far right is another bathroom. You'll be staying in this first guest bedroom. That's where Vylad normally stays," I commented.


"Uh, I've gotta go get that. Mom and Hayden are in the dining room if you'd like to join them." I said. We walked downstairs and headed our separate ways. I walked to the front door and opened it. "Hey boys!" I smiled.

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