Don't Tell Mom. Pt. 1

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"What!?" I yelled in his face.

"Okay, first don't spit in my face and yes mom is coming to visit... and she sorta thinks you and Aaron are dating," he bit his lip.

"Vylad what have you done!?" I yelled.

"I may have just set you up on a date with Aaron!"


"Yeah, you need to go get him. Now!"

"Zane? Back me up here. Please!" I said looking over his shoulder. My phone started ringing. I picked up. "Mom?"

"(Y/N)! You and Aaron are dating?"

"What? Excuse-" Garroth snatched my phone and shoved it in his pocket. "Garroth! You Dingus!"

"Yes! I'm one too!"

"Garroth do you know what that means?" Vylad asked.


"Anyway!" I snapped. "I can not go on a date with Aaron! I need to tell mom," I said trying to grab my phone. "I'm already dating Laurance! I'm pregnant! What do you expect me to do about that!?"

"Aphmau go get Aaron. This is happening," Vylad said. Aphmau ran next door.


"Don't worry."

"What if Laurance finds out!?" I yell. Garroth wrapped his arm around my shoulder and whispers in my ear.

"You'll probably die." I punched him as hard as I could. "Ow!"

"Garroth you're gonna die!" I screeched. He backed up.

"Where is Laurance anyway?" Zane asked.

"He went to get me some pregnant clothes."

"Why didn't you go with him? And I can't believe he said he would do that," Vylad said.

"Well for your information the reason I didn't go with him is because I was throwing up!" Aphmau and Aaron came running up.

"So this is actually happening?" Aaron asked.

"Don't get used to it. This is a pretend date, and I'm only doing it for my mother," I pointed at him, furiously.

"Alright we're all here, now let's head to Garroth's place." Vylad said.

"Why? I already hate you right now as it is."

When we got to Garroth's house, Aaron and I sat next to each other, and I crossed my arms over my chest angrily. Aphmau and Zane sat next to us. "Alright. I'm your coach now! Welcome to Being A Cute Couple 101!"

"This I like college all over again," I muttered.

"I forgot my pencil," Zane smirked.

"Are we gonna have homework on the first day!?" Garroth snickered.

"Come on guys, take this seriously. Now (Y/N) you need to at least act like you have feelings for Aaron, and Zane you need to inch your hand closer to Aphmau's."

"What!?" Zane and I yelled.

"Just do it! It'll make you guys look like couples!"

"Just hold on a sec." I walked out of the room and sealed Lilac in the spirit realm. Then walked back.

"(Y/N) you ain't preggers anymore!" Aphmau snickered.

"Shut it, it's magyks!" I sat down next to Aaron again. "So I need to act all lovely dovey?"

Loving the Ro'Meave Girl///Book 1Where stories live. Discover now