Convention... Okay. Pt. 1

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"(Y/N). Wake up. We're going to a convention." Laurance whispered. I sat up excitedly.


"But we need to pack."

"Nope! I can handle the clothes... with magyks!" I squealed. "Ready to go?"

"Uh, hold on. Let me grab something." He said. He ran to a small bag on the floor, under his dirty clothes and snatched something from it and shoved it in his pocket.

"Now are you ready?"

"Yes." He smiled. He grabbed my hand. I squeezed my eyes shut and thought of Kawaii~Chan at the convention. When I opened my eyes Laurance and I were both in a hotel lobby, but I was still in my pajamas.

"Hold on!" I closed my eyes and when I opened then I was wearing a brown tank top, with a teal shirt with elbow length sleeves, some jeans and boots. "Okay.... hi Kawaii~Chan!" I squeaked. She pulled me into a hug.

"Ohhh! (Y/N)~Chan, Laurance~Kun! You guys made it just in time! We just got checked in! We're all in rooms 223 and 225. But Kawaii~Chan got a single room for you two, she thought you two being dating and all, you'd like to have some alone time at night, your room is 226 right across the hall from us, feel free to join us as soon as you get settled in," she handed us our keycards.

"Uh, thanks Kawaii~Chan..." I said taking the keys and handing one to Laurance.

When all the boys and Lucinda got to the hotel rooms I was sitting next to Laurance on one of the beds. Apparently Aphmau left he costume at home, so Lucinda and I are going to use magyks to try and work something out. "Sure you can do this?" Laurance asked.

"Pfft! Laurance please! It's for anime!" I said creepily. "Anyway. Lucinda! You first!" I yelled. She pulled out her wand.

"Alright, let's get this fashion show started!" Lucinda smiled. Everyone had gathered around to watch. She waved her wand, and put Aphmau in an outfit, that made Aaron and Zane blush, and Travis and Garroth be... creeps.

"That's the skirt I was talking about!" Travis smiled. "Do a twirl Aphma-" Garroth socked him right in the face, and he fell over.

"Get your mind out of the gutter!" Garroth yelled as Travis whined about how much his face hurt.

"Well it does look nice on you," Lucinda smiled, "but I don't think it's your style. (Y/N)?"

"Okay. I'll take a wack at it." I flicked my finger at her and she changed into a yellow and black outfit.

"Hey Garroth it's from that game you used to play when we were kids!" Zane exclaimed.

"Sorry, childhood trauma has still got me Garroth," I joked.

"What was the name?" Zane asked.

"Didgimon?" I asked.

"You dare talk to me again with that filthy mouth!" Garroth yelled.

"Lets face it Didgimon was better." Laurance sighed.

"Uh uh!" Garroth said, fighting back like a little kid.

"Uh huh!" Laurance fought back.

"Boys were adults!" I yelled and they stopped.

"Nice tail Aphmau," Travis grinned. I held Travis' head back with magyk so Aaron could sock him in the face this time. He fell on the ground again, making a weird dying cat noise.

"Do you ever learn!?" Aaron yelled.

"Hmm hmm hmm! Third times the charm here we go!" Lucinda said waving her wand. Then Aphmau changed into like the same outfit that Aaron wore in middle school, before uniforms, but a shorter tee shirt kinda like a crop top.

"Um Luci, I love you and all, but what in Irene is that from?" I yelled.

"I'm not sure. I think my spells are loosing power right now. Ah. We're gonna have to let them recharge for a bit."

"Weird looking outfit," Aaron said.

"You wore that in middle school Aaron!" I yelled.

"I did?"

"How can you even see with that mask on!?" Garroth yelled.

"He he he, it looks-"

"Don't Even Travis!" Zane yelled.

"I could try a few more," I jumped in.

"Okay!" Aphmau said. I flicked my finger and she changed into... Lucy from Fairy Tail... one of her more... revealing outfits. "Ah (Y/N)! Change it!" Aphmau yelled. I flicked my finger again and she changed into Levi from Attach On Titan. "Gah! I'm a boy!" I felt my vision getting blurry.

"Hold on," I flicked my finger and she turned into a Yandere school girl, and then I passed out.

I woke lying on a bed. "Hey... Babe you okay?" Laurance asked.

"Words can't even describe how bad the head ache is that I'm having right now." I smiled, closing my eyes.

"Good just rest. Tomorrow is the first official day of the Con."

"Something bad's going to happen soon. I get that feeling," I mutter.

"Yeah like what?"

"Aaron and Zane get in a fight," I mumbled.

"Now that's not the worst thing that could happen," Laurance said laying down next to me.

"True, worst case scenario- never mind. I'm tired," I yawned. Which made Laurance yawn.

"Dude. You made me yawn," he complained.

"Shh, I'm sleeping."

"No you're no-"

"Well I can't when you're running your mouth," I teased.

"Whatever," he laughed.

Loving the Ro'Meave Girl///Book 1Where stories live. Discover now