Accidents Always Happen

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I felt warm air brush across my cheek. I giggled a light and airy laugh. I rubbed my eyes, and turned to look at a sleeping Laurance. I brushed some of his light brown hair out of his closed eyes. "Laurance," I smiled. He opened his eyes, which quickly widened when he looked at me. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

"W-Wing," he said before passing out. He fell off the bed and I jumped up from the bed. I felt myself begging lifted off my feet. I looked down and saw my feet dangling from the ground. I let out a shaky breath, then looked over my shoulder, and my cheek was brushed by a black feather. I would have screamed if I wasn't this shocked. I silently willed the wings to go. Then a few seconds later I was falling on my face.

"Ow," I mumbled. I got to my feet and walked to the other side of the bed and pulled Laurance over my shoulder, and slowly made my way to the boys house. I walked inside without knocking and dropped Laurance on the couch. I let out a loud sigh, and walked to Garroth's room. "Garroth! I need you to take me to get my first ultrasound. Dante needs to stay here and look after Laurence. He passed out from the wings thing. We can take Laurance's car... and uh. You're driving." The door opened and Garroth ran out with a huge grin on his face.


"Why would we get ultrasounds? We're guys... and definitely not pregnant," he snapped.

"That's... no. Just. Stop. (Y/N)'s getting the ultrasound."

"Oh for da baby," Travis squirmed a bit.

"Can we just go!?" I snapped bouncing a little.

"Right," Garroth said and we all walked to the car. I got in the back behind the passenger's seat. Garroth got into the drivers seat and Travis sat in front of me. I leaned on the window looking out it with a small smile. I slammed my head against the window excitedly.

"Why are you so excited?" Travis asked.

"Why are you not? I'm having a baby! Well not yet, but your know what I mean," I giggled. I tugged on his hair lightly. "Why are in such a bad mood?" I teased.

"I don't know... I just feel... upset... like something bad's going to happen."

"Well you're not the one with hormones," I snapped. I looked back out the window and saw a car coming at us... and not stopping. "Garroth. Garroth speed up." I said hitting the back of Travis' seat.

"Stop back seat driving!" He snapped. I saw the car nearing the passenger side of the car quickly. I let my wings spread out with a loud scream and wrapped them around Travis and Garroth as the other car hit. I screamed loudly as I felt something snap in my wing, and my leg get lodged under Travis' seat, then everything went black as something dug its way into my head.

Laurance's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of a buzz. I blindly reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone and answered. "Hello?" I mumbled.

"Is this Mr. Laurance Zvhal?"


"Your friend Mr. Garroth Ro'Meave said you were the first one to reach out to. He informed me that your girlfriend has been in a car accident on her way to get an ultrasound, along with a boy named Travis Valkrum has been injured as well. We'd like you and Miss. Katelyn The Fire Fist and anyone else to come as soon as possible, but no one needs to know about Miss. Ro'Meave, Miss. Ro'Meave, has some sort of... magyks problem."

"Th-Thank you." I said hanging up. I jumped from the couch... how did I get here? That doesn't matter! I got to get to the hospital! I ran across the street with Dante behind me, yelling something. I started knocking on the door quickly. "Katelyn! I need you!" Katelyn opened the door.

"What do you want?"

"We need to go to the hospital. Now. (Y/N), and Travis got... they got in a car accident." I grabbed her wrist and went to get my car, but then realized it wasn't there. "Gosh. They took my car... we'll just take (Y/N)'s (Vehicle)." I said dragging Katelyn to (Y/N)'s I ran inside and got her keys. Then drove to the hospital as fast as possible. With my heart pounding in my chest. I jumped out of the car and ran inside with Katelyn and Dante at my heels the whole way. I burst through the door breathing heavily I walked fastly to the front desk. "I need to see (Y/N) Ro'Meave. Now," I said sternly. Katelyn sniffled a sob.

"I-I need to see T-T-Travis Valkrum. Please," she whispered.

"Miss. Ro'Meave is in room 137, please wait outside as they run some test, and Miss. Fire Fist, Mr. Valkrum is in room 105, same goes for you," the lady at the front instructed. I nodded and ran as fast as I could to 137. Skidding to a stop at the door. I realized Dante was there with.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded then shook my head. I stood there impatiently for almost ten minutes before sitting down, Dante had sat down a while ago. I rubbed my face roughly with my hands, brushing tears from my face.

"L-Laurance." I looked up and saw Garroth, his arm in a sling. I jumped to my feet and slammed him against the wall.

"What in Irene! How could you let this happen to them! Especially (Y/N)!"

"Laurance I'm-"

"Don't try to lighten my anger! Get out of my face! Don't come near us ever again! It's all your fault that the baby might be dead!" I screamed. I let him go and looked down. "Just. Go." I muttered. "I don't want to see you again." I sat back down and watched him as he stumbled away in shock. Dante got up and ran after him. I felt warm tears run down my cheeks. "I'm sorry," I whispered as he walked away. I let out a shaky breath. "Accidents... they always happen, Garroth. It's perfectly fine," I mumbled.

*****I'm sorry it took so long to update, I've been under a bunch of stress. I can't eat dairy anymore so that sucks a bunch. I loved cheese. I'm getting through fine though. Then I've been moving in, going to party's(forced), trying to contact people, binge watching Grimm and Teen Wolf. You know pretty much the usual.

Loving the Ro'Meave Girl///Book 1Where stories live. Discover now