Olive Garden

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Note: This takes off right where I finished writing last chapter.

Laurance started the car. "So about that kiss," I started.

"The one with Garroth?"

"Yeah. How did that happen? Why did it happen? What had happened to Aaron?"

"Okay let's start with Aaron," he pulled out of the parking lot, "well Garroth had planned to lock Aaron in the bathroom, which he did, and then lock you outside, but he got a little too busy with Aaron, and you came in just before he could lock you out. Then there was why the kiss happened. So I was really upset that you were going to kiss Aaron again, except willingly this time, and Lucinda over heard, by the way she's back in town, and she gave me this potion that I had intended to throw at Aaron and that would make us switch places. So I guess that was the how and why."

"So basically you kissed Garroth for me?"

"Yes, I guess I got you out of his mess," Laurance smiled. I grabbed his hand and intertwined my fingers in his.

"Thank you," I looked out the window. "OH MY IRENE! YES!" I yelled as we pulled into Olive Garden's parking lot.

"Jeffory's paying," Laurance winked.

"Hey, don't do that to him," I said getting out of the car. He smiled and walked around the car to me, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"I was just saying," he shrugged. "Breadsticks are definitely going to be on the table." I gasped and let out a small squeal.

Later every one, and I mean every one, including Zane was at the super big table. I sat next to Laurance who was on my left, and Zane who was on my right and Aphmau who was on Zane's right. I glanced at Aphmau and Aaron, and not kidding, but I looked into their heads... more like thoughts, comes with the powers. I noticed the strangely large beat of affection for each other in their thoughts, but Aaron's was slightly dimmer. I also noticed they were holding hands under the table. I didn't even have to use powers to see that. "Aaron, would you be willing to, um, speak with me. Over there?" I asked nodding my head outside. I moved my chair to get up, but Laurance grabbed my wrist.

"What are you doing?"

"Laurance, this is personal. This isn't gonna go any farther that talking," I whispered. I looked at Zane and he nodded. Aaron and I walked outside and stood by the brush.

"What'd you wanna talk about?" He asked.

"Look, I know this is going to sound... completely weird. Remember when we were in high school and I told you about that you know... unexpected powers?"

"Uh yeah. Why?"

"I can see, feel and hear things now I shouldn't."

"Um, alright."

"I can see into your head and what you're feeling and thinking, Aaron."


"I know you like Aphmau I saw you guys kiss-"

"You did?"

"Yes, I know Aphmau likes you. I also notice that there's one thing holding you back from fully seeing this potential love. I don't want you dwelling on our past Aaron. We never really got serious, I'm pregnant now, you have a girl you like, you just need to see her as you saw me."


"Let me finish please. Aaron I love you, but not that way. I feel this... I don't know mutual hate between you and Laurance. If you can't let go then I don't know if I should be around you Aaron. I mean I love your company, but I just can't be with you."

"I... I understand, but I just have one question."


"Can I kiss you, one last time? Just before I let go?" He asked, and then I saw the pleadings in his eyes. I sighed and stood on my tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek. I backed away. "No, I mean really kiss (Y/N)." I suddenly felt the urge to actually kiss him, but I don't know where it came from. I didn't respond.

He place his hand behind my head and pulled me into a short, but passionate kiss. I felt heat rise in my cheeks, and a stabbing pain in my leg. I pulled away quickly. "Ah!" I shrieked. I placed my hands over leg.

"Oh my Irene, are you okay?" Aaron asked leaning down to look me in the eyes. I felt extremely dizzy and fell to my knees.

"Just... just get, get Gar- Zane, and d-don't, don't alarm anyone," I stumbled across my words. He left my side and I grasped my leg harder. I let out a shaky breath. "Ah!" I squeezed my eyes shut, and felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned to face Zane.

"Are you okay?" Zane asked. I glared at him and felt another wave of pain spread through me.

"Ah!" I grabbed his shoulder, and dug my fingernails into it.

"(Y/N)! My shoulder!"

"Zane... shut... up." I managed through gritted teeth. I leaned my forehead on his chest and let out another shaky breath. The pain slowly faded and my grip on Zane's shoulder loosened. I pulled my hand away from him and he helped me to my feet.

"What just happened?" Zane asked. I looked down and saw my stomach was slightly swollen again and the stitches were back.

"The potion wore off," I mumbled. Zane took my hands and started to help me walk back inside.

"(Y/N) your hand."


"There's blood." I looked down at my hands, the one that I dug into Zane's shoulder was sprinkled with blood. I squinted at my hand, then turned Zane around so I could see his shoulder.

"Z-Zane, um, don't move... Okay?"

"Wait why?"

"I'm, well I think that I might have, possibly drew blood, but I can fix it."

"Wait what does 'fix it' mean?"

"I excepted my powers Zane. I can heal. I can feel emotions, I don't know how to describe it, I can feel others pain, I know Travis had lost his memory when I was in that coma or whatever, I knew Garroth sprained his arm. Zane trust me. Wait I already told you this."

"... Oh yeah, I forgot. Alright do what you need to do," he muttered. I focused on making my hand glow the warm, soft white. My hand started to glow that color, then I placed my hand on his shoulder, and the cut started to take the blood back into it. When I pulled my hand away there were only a few holes in his shirt, but it was barely noticeable. I leaned on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around my waist, and helped me walk inside.

After dinner I saw Aaron's affection for Aphmau was thriving, maybe even more than Aphmau herself. I smiled and leaned my head on Laurance's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me. "Why are you smiling?" He whispered placing his chin on my head.

"Aphmau and Aaron, they're perfect..."

"Just like us?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, just like us." I smiled

When we got back to the house Laurance dropped the keys on the coffee table, and fell on the couch. I kneeled down next to him. "Are you going to stay on the couch or come upstairs to bed?"

"Uhhhhh, but I don't wanna movvvvvvvvve," he whined. I smiled and kissed him on the forehead.

"Pweas Laurance? I'm tired of being alone... and its dark up there." He looked at me.

"Okay," he stood up and grabbed my hand. Then he led me upstairs, and we fell onto the bed, and I crawled as close to him as I could and fell asleep, into a land full of terrors.

Loving the Ro'Meave Girl///Book 1Where stories live. Discover now