Chapter 2

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Picture of Vanesa above, I mainly meant to show what her hair looks like.


Chapter 2

I begin to unknot the scarf around my forehead, careful to not mess up my perfectly combed, black dyed with naturally brown streaks, hair.

The knot opens, and I pull the scarf off of my head, and bend to stuff it into my backpack.

I then straiten up and take in my surroundings; Trees.

One tree after another, and far off in the distance mountains covered with trees. And I seem to be standing on one of a very few clearings in this whole jungle.

To my right, a dirt path leads off into the unknown.

"Yeah Dad, right easy to find the Camp."

I mutter to my self.

Then I sigh and Gather up my backpack and rather heavy suitcase.

This better not be far, or my arms are going to fall off!

Luckily Dad had reminded me to dress for forest environment this morning.

So I'm dressed in my favourite black combat boots, denim shorts, and a black T-shirt with the red lipped symbol of The Rolling Stones on the front.

I guess this isn't that different from that what I usually wear. I never wear dresses and skirts unless I must, and black eyeliner with my simple red lipstick is the only make-up I wear. Even that, I find is a lot of make-up. I realize that I've still got my favourite black shades from ELLE still clipped to the front of my shirt, and I slipp them on.

Ladys and Gentlemen, here I come!

And with that I begin to march along the dirt track.


I glance at my men's black G-Shock watch, and groan.

I've been walking for thirty-five minutes, and still no sign of anything but trees.

My right arm hurts from carrying my heavy suit case, but I go on.

I turn a bend on the dirt path, and suddenly I am standing before to great Oak trees that stand next to each other, with a wooden sign hanging between them saying; WELCOME TO CAMP RICKFIELD

I smile happily and look past the two oak trees.

Behind them is a HUGE clearing with a lake off to the far corner.

Wooden huts sit along the edge of the clearing, where the forest begins again. Next to the lake, wooden benches and tables stand to the one side, and a bow and arrow field stands to the other.

What looks like a paddock and and a stable for horses lays to the one side of the clearing.

Teens ranking between four-teen and seven-teen years of age, are mulling around the clearing, obviously only having arrived as well.

A few young men and women wearing green baseball caps, stand watching all the kids.

For some unknown reason, I feel excited.

I approach the two great oaks, and slowly pass under the sign.

Now I'm standing on the clearing and the moment I step out from the cover of the oaks, a figure in a green baseball cap approaches me.

Well, here goes nothing.

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