Chapter 34

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Vanessa's Pov.

It's been a week since Ace asked me to be his girlfriend.

At first we were the main attention of the entire camp. Everybody was amazed that we were together. Now everyone just smirks at us when we pass by.

Yeah, whatever, maybe Ace and I were predictable. Not that I'd have guessed.

We're lying under a tree next to the lake, playing our own version of twenty one questions: meaning I ask Ace and he has to answer.

"That day I found you crying: what was that all about?" I've been meaning to ask him sooner already.

He visibly freezes and then coughs to get a grip of himself. I reach up and peck his cheek.

"You don't have to tell me."

He shakes his head and gives me a small smile.
"No, I want to tell you."

He runs his hand through his hair and stares off into the clouds, as though hoping they'll tell him what to say.

"My sister... Anne, she's 13. And she... she's had cancer for the past half year. Breast cancer. There are high chances that she will survive and recover. She's going to have chemo next month. And god, it's aweful looking at her. So pale, and thin, and the pain on her face...."

I hug him tightly, realizing to my surprise that tears are pricking at the back of my eyes. I rarely cry. But it's his little sister...

"My family: we're moving to New York so that Anne can see a good doctor."

His voice is breaking. So he does have a truely soft, caring side...

"I'm so sorry," I whisper and kiss his cheek again.

He smiles wryly and leans to kiss me.
"It's not your fault."

We lie there for another hour, and then leave for our cabins. There's a big party tonight, and we're planning on rocking it.

Ace drops me off at my cabin. As I'm about to close the door, Ace garbs my hand and pulls me back. He gets on one knee and presents me with a single red rose.

"You're beautiful," he tells me with a sincere smile.

I can't gelp but grin like a fool. Roses. I actually like roses.

"How did you geta rose out here?" I ask with a laugh, accepting the delightful smelling flower.

He smirks.
"I have my connections."

He leans in and kisses me, pulling me closer. I've never let people dominate me, or even seem stronger than me.

But I like gettibg lost in Ace's strong arms, the secure feeling I get. My stomache flip flops strangely and I wonder what from.

Ace pulls away and whispers softly,
"Don't dress too sexy, beautiful."

I smile widely. I love how sweet he can be.

He gives me another peck on the lips and then turns to go.

I love you.

Whoa! Wait! Where did that thought come from??

I quickly turn away from Ace's retreating form.

God, I actually just had the urge to tell him that I loved him. Weird. I like him. But I don't love him.

I head into the cabin and rach through my clothes. For some reason I want to look beautiful tonight without having my usual bad ass get up on.

I finger a flowing black dress with red roses on and hold it up to my body. I never wear it. But it used to be my Mothers, and for some reason I've always kept it in memory of her.

It isn't egsactly my style. I think of what Ace will think of me in it.

I can already picture his soft smile and teasing wink. Butterflies expodle in my belly and I shake my head inconfusion. Hell, I've only had a crush once, and it didn't end too well. It went similar to Ace's experience with Stephanie. That time was the only time I ever felt butterflies and jitters. I didn't trust the hapoy feeling afterwards anymore.

And now the jitters are back. I look into the bathroom mirror and glare at the rosy cheeked, goofy grin my reflection is showing.

This so isn't happening. I don't love Ace Hunter.

I tie the first few strands of my hair back, letting the rest of my hair spill freely down ny back. The rose lying on the edge of the sink catches my eye and I finger the petals carefully.
Another goofy grin stretches across my face before I can stop it.

I shorten the stalk and tuck the rose into my hair. It looks kind of sweet. Not my style. But Ace has been so sweet and loving this week, and I just feel all happy and sweet myself.

A little squeal escaoes my lips and I muffle it with ny hand.

Oh god, I'm acting like I'm in love. Shit no.

I apply a lightly curled line of mascara on both my eyes and then add a hint of red to my lips. It look way too cute for me. But times running out, and it will have to do.

Surprisingly, my studded leather boots fit to the out fit.

I head out the door and instantly halt.

There's a box of pralines lying on the door step. I read the note and bite my lip as I try not to sqeal again.

As said before: your beautiful.

My heart beats faster and the same thought from earlier ehoes in my head.
I love you.

I shake my head. Is it possible?

Am I actually... in love with Ace?

My heart goes crazy crazy again.

Shit. I am in love with him.

I head to the party, not sure what to do now.

I really want to tell Ace.
I wnat to tell him he us the best boyfriend in the World.
I want to twll him how sweet he is.

And I really want to tell him that I'm in love with him.

There might only be another two chapters. I'm not too good at planning.
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