Chapter 20

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This chapter I dedicate to @NZedXYZ, for writing such lovely words to me and correcting a stupid writing mistake of mine.

NZedXYZ: I really hope you read this so that you know I am really thankful for what you said and that my account is broke and I can't message you back normal so this was my next thought. Thx again :)


Vanesa's Pov.

I let the smoky slightly burnt marshmallow melt under my tongue, while watching a group of ten kids, five boys and five girls, play tug of war with a six meter long rope.

A lot of us are cheering them on, laughing at them when they fall, or booing out the opposing team to the one we have picked to favor.

Which means that the guy's are booing out the girls with rude comments, and the girl's are doing neat hair flips and acting snooty towards them.


Fourth grade all over again.

Even though I find this majorly stupid, I can't help but laugh at Silvia as she falls on her butt and loses her grip on the rope.

Wow, if looks could kill, all the guys on the opposite team would be smoldering away in hell by now.

I look around, in search of my friend's and the so called enemy.

Nena is busy flirting with some cute nerdy looking guy, Lana is... Eww Lana get a room!

She's making out with some emo hottie, and when I say making out, I actually mean making out/ groping.

The enemy is standing behind the guys team, whistling at the girls trying their best to win and smacking any passerby with long hair and boobs on the ass.

Then my eyes land on Katey.

She's grinding against some guy, looking what I guess is supposed to be sexy, but just looks plain stupid.

Does Ace really like that...?

I pear closer at the guy and frown.

Wait... That isn't Ace...

Scanning the area, I realize that he isn't anywhere to be seen, and that I haven't seen him at all in the last few hours.

Not after that phone call...

Suddenly someone grabs me from behind, and start's to pull me away into the forest, away from everybody else, a strong hand clamped on my mouth.

When we reach the woods, I get spun around and someone's hands begin to trail along my body.

I gag at the smell of way to much whiskey and cringe at the guys slurry jumbled up words.

"Derlang... Are yuu.. Lanlee... Hmm?"

Where has this this guy got whiskey from? And who is he? He's not part of Ace's group, and he sure.... Whoa!

I kick him in the family jewels and push him away from me.

He groans, but I don't feel sorry for him in the slightest, he just bloody tried to slip his hands into my pants for God's sake!

Raising my booted foot, I smash him the face, just to make sure.

" Argh! You bitch! You're going to pay for that!"

He stagers up and makes towards me, his eyes blaring like a maniac, and his hands curled to fists.

Not thinking about what I'm doing, I turn and sprint into the forest, away from the guy. I hear him growl in the distance, twigs snapping as he tries to follow.

But I'm to fast, and I speed away into the dark forest luckily unharmed.


Sorry if this chapter is chaotic and messed up.

I'm ill, so it's not my best work, I'll probably read it again in a weeks time, and delete the whole thing XD

Ps: Please vote, comment, follow and share :) And if you want me to dedicate a chapter to you then please read my other story A Future To Be Told. Thx :)

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