Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Vanesa's Pov.


A voice whispers, and it echoes through the bare white orb that I'm standing in alone.

Suddenly a boy appears before me, with jet black messy hair and sparkly grey eyes.

"Vanesa... I hate you... Bitch..."

His words echoe through white silence, and I cringe at their meaning.

I find myself asking in the same echoing voice;


"Because I can..."

He whispers, and disappears.

I blink surprised and then jolt forward, when a hand settles on my arm from behind.

Before I can tear away, I get pulled forward, and I feel soft lips against mine....

I jolt awake, sitting upright in bed.

Lazy sun rays shine into the cabin, and soft snores come from the three other beds.

Suddenly my head feels like it's going to burst.


I groan to myself.

"Just what I need...."

I reach for the water bottle that I always have beside my bed, and unscrew the lid.

The cool water sparks my brains into gear, and slowly the headache fades.

"Not so much of a hangover as I thought...."

I glance out of routine at my wrist watch.

"Shit! 7:53!"

I shout and jump out of bed.

I pull on a pair of army shorts, a white t-shirt that doesn't reach my belly button, and my loyal combat boots.

Then I whip my hair up into a bun. A messy one.

Slipping my phone into my back pocket, I rush out the door.

My watch shows 7:56.

So I might just get some breakfast leftovers if I'm lucky.

The breakfast blankets are being folded away as I arive and I rush over to Susan who is carying dishes away.

"Hey sleapyhead! You hungry?"

I nod vigourusly and she smiles.

"Come on then, I'll find you some left overs."

As we walk over to the dishes cabin, a guy comes running up to us.

"Could you please come help a moment? One of my friends-"

He glances at me and suddenly stops.


"Never mind.... I'll figure it on my own.."

He mumbles to Susan and then rushes off.

Ok.... that was weared....

Susan shakes her head in anoyance and walks over to the dishes cabin.

I follow her totally confused.

That was more than just a little bit weird of a behaviour for Ace Hunter.

I think back to last night, and can still feel the tingle of his lips on mine....

Things are getting very weird with Ace Hunter......


Hey who ever you people are that are reading my book! Thank you so much for reading!

I had writers block for a while, but now it's coming back. :)

Please comment, and please vote! The more votes and comments, the faster I update!


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