Chapter 8

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Picture of Ace up top! Tell me if you know of a better suitable picture. :)


Chapter 8

My alarm rings, and I sit-up in bed quickly.

07:05 am.

Shit! Everybody's going to be outside in the next 10 minutes!

I jump out of my bed and open up one my suit-cases.

The girls groan at me, cuddling up in their sheets even more.

"Come on! Girls! Get up!"

I tell them laughing.

They groan, and Lana rolls out of bed and begins to get dressed slowly.

Fishing around in my suit-case, I find a nice out-fit for the morning.

I pull on a pair of faded tight black jeans with tears at the knees, a simple black shirt, my favourite black leather jacket, knee high combat boots, and a base-ball cap that reads; GO ANAKIS!

Then I add dark black eye-liner and red lip-gloss.

Mhmmhmm! Nice going Vaninkly! Now go see what Ace has for a reaction to your prank!

While the other three girls are still getting dressed, I slip out of the door, and head over to Ace's cabin.

I grin when I see the forming crowed that is staring gobsmacked at my art work.

Pushing through to the front, I watch with amusement, as Ace steps out of the cabin, sees where the crowd is staring at behind him, and slowly turns.


He splutters, a slight pink arousing on his cheeks. Then it gets replaced by a dark red shade of anger.

He spins around, searching the crowd.

Then his eyes land on me, standing right at the front, smirking at him evilly.


He shouts completely furious.


I shout back just as angry.

His eyes narrow at me, then he opens his mouth to speak, but doesn't. Instead he storms into his cabin.

Uh-oh... He's up to something... and I think this is my cue to run.

But before I can even turn around, Ace and his three cabin mates come out, smirking evilly.

Oh dear, this looks dangerous, very dangerous!

Each of the boys is holding a permanent ink marker in their hands, and they are all advancing upon me.

My eyes largen when I realise what they plan to do. No! No way!

I turn and run.

Ace's Pov.

Okay, maybe what she did is kind of cool as a prank. But not when it's done to me! Hell no!

She's going to pay for that!

We advance upon her, and she takes off at a sprint.

The four of us rush after her, off across the clearing, towards the forest.

Hell, she's fast!

All ready the other guys are panting and hanging slightly behind.

I pump my legs harder, leaving the other guys far behind, and I slowly catch up with Vanesa as she sprints into the forest.

She dodges around trees, while I zig-zag after her. If she weren't zig-zagging like a hare, I'd be able to catch her.

I take a chance, and spring onto her back as she dodges another tree while running straight ahead of me.

We topple to the ground, panting, trying to pin the other down. I win.

She glares up at me.

"Don't knee me in the balls again, okay?"

I growl down at her.

She glares even more at me, and tries to head but me.

Oh no! Little Bitch! I don't think so!

Pinning her down with one hand, I pull the cap of the marker with my teeth.

I try to scribble on her face, but she bites my hand.

"What the- you Bitch!"

I snap at her.


She growls.

I sigh, put the marker away, and pin her down comfortably.

"Just don't do that again with the graffiti, okay?"

I murmur, while I studie her face.

She's pretty, really pretty. Her green eyes glare up at me in rage.

"You can't tell me anything!"

She spits.

Then she elbows me in the ribs, and tries to escape.

But I grab her arm, and soon we're rolling on the ground, wrestling for dominance of the other.

She kicks me in the knee, I punch her in the stomach and so on.

Then suddenly, she loses her grip on pushing me up off of her, and I collapse down onto her.

Our heads collide against each other and... our lips crash together.

Wide eyed, we stare at each other in horror.

I pull away from her, and we both wipe our mouths off with our sleeves.

Then we get off of each other, and say in unison;

"Don't tell anybody, and I won't either."

We nod at the same time, then we turn and exit the forest.


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