Setting Yourself Up For Sarcasm

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She came back in just then. He could have sworn she was glowing, or that there was some goddess- angelic- type force thing to her or something. She wasn't just some normal girl. 

"Jake, you're drooling." Quil whispered to him, nudging his ribs. 

He murmured and swore something back, pulling on a loose t-shirt that he didn't care for, 
knowing that if there came a wolf problem it would be in shreds later. 

"So, we still all for that 'let's keep the biggest secret of our lives from Jean' thing?" She joked. 

"'Fraid so," Embry said shrugging. 

"Whatever, but you promised." She said pointing a finger at him, rasing her eyebrows. 

"You got it." 

"What are we up to today?" She asked. 

What were we up to today? 

"We should probably check in with Sam, then we could go down to the beach or something." 

"Good idea." Jacob agreed 

"Breakfast is probably still going on at Sam's, if we hurry." Paul said eagerly. 

"Hey, we could go cliff-diving." 

"Maybe." Jared shrugged. 

"Is it a nice enough day?" 

"Lemme check," Jacob said rushing down the stairs. He came back with a 
newspaper, the one from yesterday. 

"What is it with you and weather?" She asked curiously. 

"I like to know what's going on." He shrugged. "Sources say. . ." He began officially. "That we are in for sun." 

"Niiice!" The guys agreed. 

"So, cliff-diving?" Embry varified. 

"Erm-" She interupted. 

"What? Scared?" Quil said. 

"No, I've. . .just. . . never been before," She said slowly, drawing out each 

"Don't worry about it, we'll show you," Jared said patting her on the back. 


"Don't worry about it," Jared repeated. She nodded and sighed, defeated, then she followed them out of the house. They walked ahead, eager to get breakfast apparently, and she fell in step with Jacob. 

"You don't have to go if you don't want to." He said reassuringly. 

"I know, but I'll never hear the end of it, just like with everything else." He laughed. 

"I can go with you, if you want," he offered. 

"I dunno, I'll think about it." She shrugged still unsure. 

Cliff-diving. . . Her? 

Well, maybe. Possibly. She could try it, it might not hurt. Plus that'd be an excuse to be somewhat alone with Jacob. But she was just leading herself on. What if he felt surly, truly just as friends? 

Would anything happen between them? Might it ruin their friendship? These questions ran through her head until she was snapped awake and pulled away from a pole on the porch she was about to hit from Jacob. They burst out laughing, before going in to eat the remains of breakfast that wouldn't be devoured by the rest of the guys. 
She walked the rest of the way in a nervous silence with Jacob. She kept thinking about cliff-diving. She shook her head and blinked a few times, then she filed into Emily and Sam's place with the rest of the guys. They practically sprinted the whole way there, and from what they said she made some of the best breakfast around. 

"Mmmm," She heard several groans of hunger from inside. She looked over at Jacob and he shrugged and they laughed. 

"Oh, hi, Jean," Emily said once she saw her. "If I'd known everyone was coming I would've made more." 
"That oppurtunity hasn't passed!" Paul yelled from the kitchen. 

"Don't worry about it, Emily, I'm not all that hungry. Thanks though." She said politly. 

She went in the kitchen and took a seat at the table in the corner at the round table next to Quil and Jacob. They were both scarfing down monstrous servings on their plates. Sam came down the stairs in a dirty t-shirt and jeans, and took a seat. 

"Alright, so the vamp-" 

"Sam!" Embry yelled quite suddenly. They locked eyes, and Embry looked very breifly- darting his eyes to her. She pursed her lips and crossed her arms. Now Sam was involved, too? 

"Look, I'm just going back to Jake's to change and you can talk about all your little secrets. You have fun now," She said sarcastically. 

"Wait- so you're going cliff-diving?" Quil asked 
"No, I'm just changing for the hell of it. Yes, Quil, I'm going cliff-diving." She said with a smack to the side of his head. 

He watched her leave and he truly felt bad. It was bad enough keeping secrets from her, but secrets she was onto. . . was worse. She had only grown a little since he last saw her. She hadn't eaten much at all since getting here, that worried him. He barely heard Sam talking behind him. 

"So the vampires said that what they thought was newborn vampires was a mistake, and that they are still staying in Forks. Which means we are still in wolf for- Jake, Jacob- are you listening?" 
"Huh?" He asked, twisting his head back to the table. 

"He's got a case of imprinting blues." Quil said nuding him in the ribs again. 

"You've imprinted?" Sam asked, hiding his shock. . . not well. 

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