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She crept over to the freezer and dug out a few ice trays from the back. She got out a good-sized bowl and cracked the ice cubes in it. She smiled at Jake and winked before going back to the living room. She turned down the T.V. and tip-toed over to the couch where Embry was sleeping. She held the bowl above him and lifted up the neck of his shirt. 
Then she dumped the ice in. Of course this would be perfect, considering how his body temperature rose a good 15 degrees since they were ten. He yelled loudly in surprise and jumped up from the couch hopping around the room and shaking out his shirt to try and get the ice out. Quil, Paul, and Jared had woken up and joined in with Jean and Jacob's hysterical laughter. 

"Cold- cold- cold- cold!" He yelled and shivered. Then he stepped over and towered over Jean by numerous feet. 

"Good morning." She giggled. 

"I thought we left these habbits in New York." He said sternly. 

"Guess we had some stow-aways in my suitcase." She said while the rest of the pack remained laughing and tearing up. 

"Get rid of them." He said before walking over to his room down the hall from hers. He came out a few seconds later in a pair of loose sweatpants. They set off after that and she and Jake stayed a few feet behind, walking hand-in-hand. He suddenly sighed very dramatically. 

"Oh, what is it, Jake?" She said overly concerned and just as jokingly. 

"It's just so hard!" He exclaimed draping a large hand over his forehead. 

"No matter what it is you can tell me!" She said wrapping her arms around his neck. 

"I'm just- well, having such a hard time. . . containing myself." And he looked up with a sly smirk. She sighed. 

"What? I'm. . . tempting you?" She said innocently. 

"More than you'll ever know." 

"So, just walking beside me is hard?" He nodded suspiciously. 

"What if I did this?" She asked still very inocent and she stood on his feet and pressed her hips to his. His eyes flashed with eagerness and hunger. She wrapped her arms tighter around his neck and made sure they were pressed together closely. 

"Then we might set a bad example." He said raising his eyebrows and licking his dry lips. 


This girl was tempting him way too much. She was just asking to be kissed senseless. He felt his eyes widen when her hips pressed against his. Her grip tightened around his neck, and even though it wasn't enough to strangle he felt a choking and lump sensation in his throat. 
This was horrible. But great all at once. 

He felt incredibly vulnerable, Jean was just too much. Like a drug, an addicting drug you got for an overly priced amount and just had to have more. Not caring for the side-affects or causes. Too much for him to handle. The sweet and innocent girl was gone, no matter how good an actress she was- now she was the gorgeous, tempting, and sexy Jean. 

There was no way she was related to Embry. 

He slipped his hands around her small waist and lifted her off him, then unwound her arms from his neck. He grinned and caught his breath. 

"Please, please, don't do that. I beg of you." He pleaded. 

"Why?" She smirked. 

"Because you'll push me too far." He leaned in very close to her face then walked off to catch up. He could see the smoke and the reflecting orange flames in the distance. La Push went all out with it's bonfires and he smiled at the memories. 

She followed behind him and held his hands. She took a seat on a blanket layed out in the sand and hugged her knees to her chest. He plopped down beside her and listened to the stories he knew so well. To about the second story everyone was so entrapped in Old Quil's and Billy's voice and the story, almost hypnotized. He felt a light jab in his ribs. He turned his head to her. 

"Let's go." She mouthed and with a quick glance around she crawled off towards the beach. He grinned and looked around too, then he followed her down the trail. It was sandy and he'd come across a few roots and sticks now and then. She lead him down and sat just before the ocean line, letting the waves hit her feet every now and then. 

"Looks like i have more self-control than you do." He smiled triumphantly. 

"No, I just wanted to sit out here. Get away for a while." 

"Ah, I see." He said disbelievingly. 

"Really!" She said. 

"Sure, sure," And now it was believable, but he wasn't. 

"Jake!" She smacked his shoulder but drew back and shook out her hand, and mouthed "Ow" a few times. 

"I'm too strong for my own good." 

"Shut up." She snapped and narrowed her eyes playfully. 

He flipped her over in the sand and pinned her down. "Distract me, then." He whispered huskily. 

They looked into eachother's eyes for what seemed like forever, until he finally leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss. She kissed back willingly and it felt nice, after so long, to have that luxury. Someone who loved him back, someone to have fun with. No drama- no stench- just plain blissful love. He let his eyes fall closed and let himself fall into the kiss. 


Who knew werewolves could be such great kissers? She kissed him back with everything she had, just throwing herself into it. She rested her arms on his massive shoulders and his started stroking her ponytail, he slid the elastic out after a while. With alot of strength, she pushed him over with his help, though. She straddled his waist only to be flipped again. She giggled and then squealed when a splash of the salty ocean hit her. She'd forgot that she'd layed too close to the water. 

She kept kissing him, not even caring that her clothes and her were getting drenched. She broke apart after a few more minutes and then unzipped the sweatshirt she had grabbed on the way out which was now ruined and threw it aside. 

"Up for a swim?" She asked him, smiling. 

"You mean in the water?" 

"No, in the sand." She said sarcastically. 

"You mean like skinny-dipping?" He wiggled his eyebrows half-flirtacious, half-mocking. 

"No, pervert, with minimum clothing." She smirked and he returned it. 

She took off her tank top and she was let in her black bra top and shorts. She shook the sand out of her hair, and went to the water's edge. Jacob had joined her a few seconds later with only his boxers on. She kept her blush under control, that wasn't about to start now. She waded in, then dived the rest of the way. She heard the splash beside her, signalling Jacob's entrance. 

She shook out her hair, spraying the water behind her and she paddled over to Jacob. She put her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. He wrapped her arms around his waist lazily as he spun and walked around slowly in the water. Everything was so perfect and calm that nothing could ruin it. 

"I want nothing more than to stay here forever." He whispered very close to her ear. 

"You read my mind." She breathed back, he chuckled. 

"I wish." He said. She closed her eyes, but not tiredly- just content. "Can I kiss you now?" 

"If you must." She sighed, mock-annoyance. He laughed once before leaning down and twisting her around to pull him in for a kiss. It was sweet and gentle, and they didn't deepen it for a while. He broke the kiss and smirked up at her for about the hundreth time that day. 

"Could we really stay here forever?" 

"I'd like to," He paused. 

"Let's walk home and you can stay over." 

"No way, I acutally want some sleep tonight." 

"Fine, your choice. But what if I had no intention on sleeping?" She unhooked herself from him and walked out of the water and shouldered into the tank top and sweatshirt again. She heard the frantic splashing of water and then the scramble of sand and clothes then she felt his arms wind around her waist from behind. She turned and kissed his lips, but before she turned, she was thrown over his shoulder. 

"Jake! You can't carry me around like this!" She whined, hitting his back lightly- as to not hurt herself.(ironic?) 

"Why not, when you're so light?" He teased. 

"Grrr," She growled and he laughed loudly. Minutes later they snuck in her window, since her mum was home- she didn't attend the bonfires- and she threw him a pair of Embry's sweatpants and changed herself. She slipped on another tank-top and short-shorts. In close contact with a werewolf meant be prepared for the heat. They fell to sleep almost imediatly. Tomorrow was school . . . 

And the last day of break was spent perfectly with the perfect people doing the most perfect things. In case you didn't notice, it was perfect. 

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