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Jean walked down the hall, opposite direction as the pack, hand-in-hand with Jacob. They were on their way to Math, which couldn't be plesant at all. Jean was great at every other subject, but math was the lowest of the low. She didn't get one ounce of it, and she didn't intend to. But, atleast she had Jacob in her class- that made it all better. 

They got in and faced a teacher who looked in about her fifties or so, she had graying strawberry blonde hair and a very wrinkled face. She wore glasses attached to a cord around her neck and she was holding a stack of paper that seemed too big for her handling. They took seats in the very back corner of the room and Jacob turned aroun in his chair to face her. 

"What are the chances we'll be staying back here?" 

"One in. . . one. You're Black, and I'm Call- we'll be up there next to eachother." 

She pointed to the front center. 

"Atleast we'll be next to eachother." 

"Don't try anything," 

"Would I?" 


They both laughed and turned to face front where their new ancient teacher was beginning the class. 

"I'm Ms. Degray. Welcome to Advanced Algebra." 

"And we wonder why something that lovely doesn't have a husband," Jake sniggered. 

"We'll start off with seating and attendance." She called out a few names before coming to Jacob's, his was one pretty well-know but Jean was a bit worried for herself. She had already attracted a title. "Jean Call." 

She sat at the table next to him. She shoved the papers in a binder and she stomped out of the room. Math just would not process through her brain, at all. Jacob seemed amused, though, since he was a regular genius at math. 

They went on the rest of the day and finally got to lunch. She dragged Jacob downstairs to the lunchroom and chose a table by a window where the pack was already sitting. The whole pack except for Paul, that's odd. Halfway through lunch he came in and sat down- he seemed very frazzled, shaky. 

"Guys, we need to go." 

"Go, where?" She asked. 

"I was just in wolf-form, by accident. I got so angry that I ran outside into the woods. Then I heard Sam, he was waiting to get in contact with one of us. There's some problems and Sam needs our help." He explained. 

"Help with what?" She tried again. 

"We'll be right there, me and Embry will let the office know." Quil said and they left. Jared went off to tell Kim good-bye and not to worry while Paul went back outside to change, probably. Jacob stayed by her, looking solemn. 

"Jake, what's going on?" 

"I want you not to worry, alright?" 

"What's going on?" She said more forcefully. 

"Nothing you need to worry about, stay here, we'll be back soon." 

"How soon? When?" 

"Most likely by tonight, tomorrow at the latest." 

"But what happened?" 

"Before you came, the Cullen's thought they had a few issues with newborn 
vampires again and they were mislead, but now they're back. For sure. Sam just talked to Carlisle and told Paul, and we've got to go help. Don't worry." 

"Don't worry!" She scoffed. "How can I not worry?" 

"Trust us, we're pros." He said at an attempt to lighten the mood. 

"I'll miss you." She whispered. 

"I will, too. We'll be back soon, remember, tomorrow at the latest." 

"Okay," She nodded. 

"I love you," He whispered in her ear and he pecked her cheek and gave her hand a squeeze before leaving. She tried her best to hang on, but he gave it one last kiss and followed the rest of the guy's direction. She looked at the 
unfinished lunches and she threw them in the trash before shuffling miserably to her seventh period class. 

How was she supposed to make it through two periods without them? 

But she did it, she found herself walking over to Jake's Rabbit in the parking lot, 
then remembering they weren't there. But there was a note taped to the inside of the window to her. She opened up the door, grabbed the keys, and ripped the note off the window. 


Take the car home, and go straight home. Don't 

make any stops. Stay inside and I promise we'll 

be back soon. Remember that I love you, nothing's 

gonna happen. 

Be safe, 

Your Jakey. 

She sighed and climbed in the driver's side for the first time in her life. She had never driven Jake's car, but she was going to give it a shot. She drove to her house without stops like he told her. She sighed and trudged to her room. She finished up some work and fell asleep early, not able to take the quiet lonliness she had to endure.

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