Perfectly Perfect

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"Ahhhhhhhhh!" A high-pitched scream filled Jean's bedroom as she waved her left ring finger for Kim to see. "You're engaged! To Jacob!" 
"I know. He's just so . . .perfect." She gushed breathlessly. 

"Jared didn't propose yet," She said, her face falling from the gleaming excitement. 

"I'm sure he will, Kim, and besides you know he loves you. Plus he's more of an old-fashioned kind of guy." 
"Okay," She said and she gave a weak smile. 

"Trust me, Kim." 

"So, when are you having the wedding?" 

"We were thinking this Summer." 

"That's awesome. Are you going to college?" 

"No, Jacob's going to open up his own garage for cars and I might do some tutoring from home." 

"Sounds like you got it all planned out," 

"Yeah, things are going great." 

And they were. Everything had basically been decided on. Jean already had visions of how she wanted her wedding, her wedding dress, and the bridesmaids dresses to look. She knew that she definitly wanted to have the wedding on First Beach where Jacob proposed, that was their place from then on. She also definitly knew that Kim was her Maid Of Honor. 

Jacob was going to open up his own garage with some small funds that were saved up for the future since birth, and with the help of Jean's money. She didn't know what she wanted to do, besides have a big family with Jacob, so she settled for tutoring or subbing at Quilette High or La Push Middle School. It was all going great. 


"This one's perfect." Jean said in a decided tone to her mum and Kim. They had gone to Port Angeles for the day to pick out dresses. . . 

Jean's dress was a long, white, soft material with a criss-crossing neck and a beaded pattern towards the top. It was simple and light for the July weather. The Bridesmaid's dresses were a long, bright, orange material with golden beads placed randomnly. The bouquet was a mix of green leaves, orange roses, and white baby's breath. Exactly how she imagined. 

They already stopped by to look at caterers, Jake wouldn't pass that up, and they already had DJ's, and a preist. So they were set. Set to get married, set to move on to the future, set to be. . . Mrs.Black. 


Everything was perfect. There were dozens and dozens of fold-out chairs with frilly orange ribbons to tie in the theme. There was a flowered alter up front, where the love of her life was standing. There was a long, white, carpet flowing between the chair making the isle across the sand. It was a sunny day for La Push on First Beach, and the temperature was nice, too. 

Jake and the rest of the pack looked like they were dying. They were in heavy, black tuxedos and they were squirming uncomfortably due to the heat. She grinned otherwise. They couldn't have looked better. She took Embry's elbow, he was the one to walk her down the isle since her dad couldn't make it and Billy couldn't walk exactly. It was still special. 

She got to the end and got a full blast of the Jacob smirk/grin, and she returned it with just as much enthusiasm. This was her best friend, Jakey, from seven or so years ago that she left- for whatever God only knows reason, and one year back with him and his wolfish abilities to imprint- and she fell in love with him. Maybe, deep down inside- she always loved him, just didn't realize it.

Maybe she never did, until now. Either way- she knew she loved him, and that nothing could change that. She heaved a deep breath and clutched the bouquet tighter and she angled herself towards the preist. 

He began the long traditional vows and finally got to the I Do's. She was shaking, completely shaking. But out of happiness and nerves. Both. 

"Do you, Jean Call, take Jacob Black to be you're lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do." She said and her grin grew even wider as she gazed to Jacob. His eyes had an extra gleam, could that be tears? Was he that happy? 

"And do you, Jacob Black, take Jean Call to be you're lawfully wedded wife?" 

"I do." He said and he turned back to face her. He lifted the flimsy vale over her head and she ducked to help him. 

"Then by the power invested in me, you may now kiss the bride." He announced. 

Jacob leaned down by very much but before he got there, she pushed him back up by his chest, threw her arms around his neck, and leaped up tying her legs around his waist. The audience laughed and even Embry emitted a few small chuckles. He grinned into the kiss before kissing back and running his tongue breifly over her lips. 

The group got out and filed into the isle and she stepped onto the platform and flung her bouquet back behind her. She spun around to see that it landed in Claire's hands. Quil had held her up on his shoulders and she grinned and sniffed the orange flowers. She gave him a small wave and smiled at Quil- he bent down some to mock her height and she pointed a finger at him warningly. 

They moved over to the long buffet tables and the tall wedding cake. It was, of course, loaded with frosting. 

She cut herself a monstrous size of a piece, and she went to cut Jacob a sliver until he moved the knife futher and further down the cake until he had a piece almost the size of hers. She scooped a bite with one of the plastic forks and moved it towards his mouth, but instead she stuck it in her own. He smirked and fed himself his own cake. She gave him a peck on the lips to make up for it, anyway. 

Later on they had their first dance, and it was typical. Jean wasn't a bad dancer and neither was Jake- they were both pretty average. They stopped abruptly at the sound of a loud scream-squeal type noise from the edge of the dance floor. She jerked her head over and sure enough, Kim was standing with her hands over her mouth- while Jared got down on one knee with a ring. 

She beamed up at Jacob and kissed him passionatly on the lips. Everything was perfect. 


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