Dive! Dive!Dive!

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"Yeah," He mumbled. 

"That's great." He said, regaining his composure once more. "So, we're still in wolf form because of the remaining vampires. Some of the other covens chose to stay, but they won't be an issue. They've promised to keep inside Forks and remain vegetarians. Do you plan on telling Jean about us, Embry?" 

"No." He said flatly. 

"We had an agreement," Jacob reasoned a bit. 

"What was that?" Sam asked. 

"If anything happens, life-threatening or dangerous to her or us, we've agreed to tell her. She knows something is going on, but she couldn't guess it for her life." He explained. 

"Well, you really should get to telling her. You're all very good friends, and Jake you've imprinted, which means it'll only get harder if you deny it." 

"I know." Embry grumbled. 

"Embry, why don't we tell her. . . a few days? That way we can have some fun and go cliff-diving and all that junk." Paul suggested. 

"Good idea." Sam agreed, and there were some more murmurs of agreement. 

"Fine," He said in the same moody tone. 

"Okay, let's get Jean and get to the beach. The sun's really out today, might as well take advantage of it." Quil said pushing his plate away. 

She got inside to Jacob's house after the long dragging walk back. It wasn't that long, she just made it so. She thought about everything. What could be "vamp-". It wasn't the start to any word she'd heard, of course vampire- but there were no such things. Atleast. . . she didn't think there were. She slipped out of her clothes in the bathroom and pulled on a bright yellow swimsuit. 
It was a more covered top, though. Almost like a sports bra cover with bottoms. They also had white polka-dots on it. It was her favorite, and might as well impress Jake. That's what 18 year old boys liked, right? She couldn't begin to know. . . 

She slipped back into the capris and sweathirt and into some flip flops. Once she was outside, she met the guys, they were all standing waiting for her. She was about to ask if they had to change, but she figured maybe they had. 

"Ready?" Quil smirked. 

"Yep," She said huffing out some breath. 

"Don't worry." Jared said reassuringly. 

"Thanks, Jared. You've always been the thoughtful one," 

"Woah, not me?" Paul asked. 

"No, you've always been the annoying one." He grinned proudly. "So how do I do this cliff-diving thing?" 
"You go to one of the cliffs and just dive, careful for the rocks at some of the bottoms. Besides that, it's real simple." Embry explained. 

"Got it," She said. Go to cliff, dive, don't get hurt- simple. She hoped atleast. 
Once they got to the beach they layed out a few towels and took out some packed up food from Emily. Before inhaling it they lounged around on towels. Eventually Quil, Embry, Jared, and Paul started leaping off the cliffs fearlessly. Jacob said staring out into the horizon, looking deep in thought. She slipped out of her sweatshirt and sweatpants, leaving her in the bikini, grabbed a bag of chips and strolled over to his towel. 

There were so many things going through his mind. How would they tell her that they were freakish werewolves? How would she take it, react? Would she be scared? Or would she be scared away knowing about imprinting, that he imprinted on her, that he loved her with all his heart after all these years. . . days. Bella couldn't even compare. 

"Hey, babe," She said jokingly, popping the B's on her words. He looked her once-ever and actually did a double-take. She was in a Eensy-weensy-teeney-weeney-yellow-polka-dot-bikini, exactly from the commercials and the song. It was so Jean. Then he actually saw her, how beautiful she was in the open sunlight. It shone off her. And her body, now- where'd she get that? 

This was not the harmless ten-year-old girl he knew seven years ago. This was an eighteen year old woman. A very hotwoman. 

"What's up, gorgeous?" He said repeating the flirty tone. He didn't even know if she meant it, but he did. She laughed. 

"Nothing. You gonna dive?" 

"Yeah, eventually." He shrugged. 



"You nervous?" 

"Me? Do you know me? I'm Jean Call, fearless of all things but. . . thunder." She whispered her last words. He cracked a smile. 

"Hey, you're still the fearless Jean no matter what." Then he got up and walked over to the cliff, he took a deep breath and dived, yelling up to Jean as he did. 
"See you down there!" 

She watched him and some of the other guys go for second tries. It looked simple, and she figured she could handle it. After all the boys cleared off, they were calling up to her. Waiting on her. And only her. She inched over to the cliff and looked down with the tips of her toes hanging over the edge. 
She stuck one foot over and dragged it back and forth a few times, debating and fighting with herself. But mainly thinking of all ways to get hurt. She finally stuck the foot over the last time and pulled the other with her. She kept her legs locked together, and arms pinned to her side. A perfect pencil dive, without the point. She screamed the highest-pitch scream she never even knew she had. 

She took a deep breath and pinched her eyes shut before she hit the water. It was freezing. She shivered once she got into the salty water completely. She waded out to the shallow end, spitting out the water from her mouth. She picked up her towel and wiped her face, wrapping it around her body. 

"You did great!" Embry said hugging her tightly. He was so warm, she regretted when he let go. 

"Who knew you had such a killer scream," Quil smirked. 

"Not me," She sputtered through her chattering teeth. 

"Wanna go again?" Jared asked eagerly, the rest of the guys agreed and they cleared off to hike back up the cliff. Jacob was lying back in the sand with his arms behind his head and she went over. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" 

"It's about what happened." He murmured. 

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