He's not the only one

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"Okay, well," He began- he looked up at the sky, deep in thought. "I'll start at the beginning." 

"A very good place to start," She sang the line from the Sound Of Music. He gave a small chuckle. 

"When I was around seventeen my transformation happened. I'd known a girl named Bella Swan and she lived in Forks. She met a bloodsucker named Edward and they fell in love, and everything revolved around them. All things danger. I loved Bella, but she chose him instead. Now they're married and they have a kid" 
Only three small words of his short explanation processed in her brain. 'I loved Bella.' 

"You loved this girl, Bella?" She asked very calmly. 

"Yes, but, you've got to hear the whole thing." She nodded. "Werewolves imprint on other people, it's like they find their true love and they're all that matters. Everything else just doesn't apply. So, I tried to force myself to imprint a few times, it just didn't work. It has to happen, you have no call on who or when. So...." But it clicked. 

"You imprinted on Bella. She broke your heart, and the kiss you gave me was a mistake-" 
"NO!" He said very loudly. "No way, Jean. Sure- I did love Bella, but that was a long time ago. After the Volturi- blood sucker law people- left, I stopped talking to her. We haven't talked in forever. What I'm trying to tell you...what this leads up to, is that. . . I imprinted. . . on you." 
Then everything was explained. Why her brain wouldn't shut it's pie-hole, why he was as hot as the sun, why they were all massive, why he stared at her alot, why everything stopped when he saw her, why it felt so right when he kissed her. He imprinted on her. 

"So that's why my brain wouldn't shut up," She muttered to herself. 

"Yeah, and that's why I got so mad at you." 

"Why's that?" 

"Because even when you're not trying, you manage to look incredibly gorgeous." She blushed and turned away, and even if you don't feel the same way, if you don't want to see us again, if you want to go back to New York, like I said you can. Just know, I love you." 

"Those three words," She sang under her breath to 3 words of Cheryl Cole. 

"Yeah, them." He said slightly anxious, then she realized she hadn't answered. 

"Jake, if you're a werewolf, a vampire, a marshon, whatever- I don't think I'll 
stop loving you." 

"You mean it?" And he broke out into his infectious grin. 

"I've never been this serious in my life... seriously." 

"Well, we should get back." 

"I guess," She sighed and they laughed. 

"C-can I hold your hand?" He asked and she smiled widely. It was like the whole awkward fourteen-year-old phase. 

"You don't have to ask." She said snatching it from his side. "You really are hot." 


"No, I meant in more ways than one." She looked straight ahead then, but felt his eyes and smirk on her. 

"Hey, Jean?" 

"Hey, Jakey?" She mocked him. His smirk only grew. 

"Do you think Embry'd kill me if I kissed you?" 

"You already have. But- he's always been a pushover like mom. So, go for it." 

She looked up at him, almost her whole head reclining back. He took her other hand and leaned in slowly. Too slowly. She stepped up on his feet and stood on tip-toes from there to kiss him. She barely reached and her toes got tired, she reached her hands around his neck and he got the message and leaned down more. 

"Sorry, I just didn't have all day," She smirked at him once the kiss ended. 

"It was for effect," He shrugged. She hopped off his feet and they set off back, it was actually longer than she thought. On the way she'd been so preoccupied with her thoughts and not distance. She looked up at Jake as an idea popped into her head. 

"Hey, Jakey?" She did her best inocent voice. 

"Yeah?" He asked slowly looking down on her suspiciously. 

"Can you carry me?" He smiled and bent down so she could jump on his back. She got a choke-hold on his neck and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. He remained bent and grabbed her arms and started running, zig-zagging through the forest. They laughed the whole way there, the sounds of it echoing off the trees. The boys were waiting on the porch since they very nearly burnt down the kitchen. 

Embry coughed loudly when he saw them and she slid off Jake's back, fixed her top, and strolled over to a rocking chair on the deck. She plopped into and caught her breath, her face flushed and a smile plastered on her face. 

"Well?" Paul asked impatiently. 

"Well, what?" She replied. 

"Well, why aren't you bolting back to the airport for the first flight back to New York or Austrillia, considering that's the farthest." 

"You mean, you think I'm scared?" She asked, rasing her eyebrows. 

"Yeah," He said like it were obvious. 

"I'm Jean Call- unafraid of all things wolf, human, and vampire!" She said shooting up from the stairs with her hands on her hips and her chest jutting out. She dropped the pose when they started laughing. "No, I'm not that easily scared. To me, you guys are just a bunch of big lugs." 

"Gee, thanks," Quil said sarcastically. 

"Jake, did you tell her the other thing?" 

"What?" He asked. 

"That you're in looove with her?" Quil and Paul teased in unision with sing-songy voices. 

"Yes," He mumbled, walking inside the house. 

"And?" The boys asked in unision. 

"It's none of your business, besides once Jake's in wolf form you get to see it all first hand anyway." She shrugged following Jake. "Whatcha doing?" 
"Making breakfast since Emerald and Rachel Ray over there burned it." 

"Wait, who am I?" Embry asked. 

"You get to be Rachel Ray." Jean deemed. 

"Fantastic." He grumbled. 

"You know you love me!" She grinned widely. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," He said waving a hand in her direction. 

"He's not the only one," Jacob whispered very low only so she could hear, once he was at the stove where she was leaning. 

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