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She went around the side of her house to her window, which was on the first floor- thank God, and she started to climb in. She lifted one leg over the side and was about to heave herself in until the pack came aroud the corner. Damn, they had quite a knack for that. 

"Jean- stop!" Embry ran at her and lifted her out of the window by her middle. 

"Quit it, Embry!" She yelled. 

"Just use the door, you could get hurt." He pleaded halfway. 

"No." She said simply. "I am not walking into that house looking like this." 

"Fine, but if you break an arm . . ." 

"I won't," She insisted and she hopped into the window once more. She stuck her head out and stared up at the boys and waved them off with her hands. She shut the glass, locked it, and pulled the curtains over it. Just to be safe. 

She walked uncomfortably to her dresser, the heavy wet fabric was starting to get to her. She threw a hot pink tank-top and a pair of matching pajama pants with different colored polka-dots. She squeezed her hair out in a towel and decided to deal with the frizz later. She kicked the heels under her bed, and attempted to reach for her zipper. 


He followed the rest of the guys inside, but he couldn't get Jean off his mind. Who knew Jean could kiss like that? The Imprinting thing was mental, yet very satisfying all at once. He looked around the room, most of everyone had moved into the dining room to get a plate to eat. The guys had too. . . He glanced down toward her door, right off the small unused living room. 

He made a break for it. 

Without anyone noticing, he sped into the living room and straight to her door. He slid inside without knocking, without thinking, too. There she was, trying to undo the zipper on her back. Her hair was more frizzed up now, though. 

"Ohh, you are soo lucky I'm still dressed." She warned, half-playful. Only half. 

"Really? I take it as unlucky." He said slyly. She raised her eyebrows. "Or lucky." He shrugged. 

He wound around her and onto her bed, outstretching on the satin-like, purple, material of it. He kicked off his shoes and sighed contentedly. She reached a few more times, then let out an exasperated sigh. She turned to him reluctantly. 

"Jakey?" She asked sweetly. 

"Yep." He called out. 

"Could you. . . helpmewithmyzipper." She said in a mesh together, but he understood it. The werewolf hearing did come in handy. 

"Sure, Jean," He smirked before she turned around once more. He slowly started to unzip the dress, only to tease her- which was so fun to do. 

"Jake," She whined slightly. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know me, I'm all about effect." He whipped the rest of it down and unclasped the bra, knowing she'd freak out. 

"Jake!" She breathed again, but more shocked. Without turning she rushed into the bathroom which connected off her room. He smirked and chuckled a few times to himself before leaning back on the bed. Two seconds later she was back. 

"Forgot my clothes." She mumbled, and she shot him a glare when he laughed. 

She slipped in the door once more in, finally, her pajamas. Those tempting, tempting pajamas. Damn you! He thought. She made an attempt to push him off the bed, but decided on just pushing him over. He scootched over himself, to give her a break, and let her sit. She said with her legs crossed facing him, staring at him. Just like the memory. He sat up to do the same. 


"So, what's up?" He asked. 

"Nothing, I just have a very hot werewolf sitting on my bed in my room with me, all alone." She said trailing off slightly. He smirked once more. 

"And, are you scared yet?" He asked leaning closer. 

"Not in the least," She smirked back. 

"You sure?" 


"I love you." He whispered, now he leaned so close that his lips were lingering on her neck. An invoulentary shiver ran down her spine and she shook her shoulders. He chuckled under his breath and kissed from the bottom of her neck and up, she bit her lip to contain the sounds wanting to escape her mouth. There was, after all, a party going on in the next few rooms. 

"I love you, too," She breathed but then chomping down on her lip again, she released her bite when she thought she tasted blood. He had now moved up to her ear, and he was pausing the kisses around it to nip her earlobe lightly. She closed her eyes, and pressed her lips together. When he took a break to move to her cheek, she leaned down and crashed her lips onto his. 

He kissed back with the same force, but not enough to break her, and then she 
let herself be leaned back by his weight onto her bed. She wrapped her arms around his neck, a place she took advantage of reaching when she could. She played and twisted the small hair regrowing at the base of his neck. Soon it would be long, his hair grew fast. His hands rested on her sides and he squeezed them, making her squeal in a giggle, but she tried to contain herself- if he knew she was ticklish. . . that would be Hell. 

"Ticklish, much?" He mumbled huskily very close to her ear. 

"No." She breathed, catching her breath. 

"No!" She whisper-yelled. 

"Whatever, you'll admit it one day." And he got up off the bed and slipped back 
in his shoes. 

"Where are you going?" She asked sitting up. 

"I can't stand to look at your afro any longer." He joked. Her eyes widened and she pushed him back to run to the bathroom. And sure enough, it was frizzy enough to pass for an afro. 

"Ohhhh!" She groaned. "I'm such a doofus." 

"No, you're not." He laughed pulling her in for a hug. 

"I am!" 
"You could be a bit more-" 
"I'm such a doofus!" She repeated. 

"Jean, you are not a doofus." He pronounced each word through the laughter. 

"I was gonna ask you to stay, but you might catch the doofus." She mumbled into his chest embarrasdly. 

"Oh, like a sleepover?" He asked slyly. 

"Ah-huh." She nodded. 

"Love to, I'll give you a second to 'beautify'" He took her hands off from around 
her to use airquotes. She smiled sheepishly and blew her hair straight for the second time that day. She put it up in a headband, slipped on some socks, and went to her room. He was under her covers stretched out with his hands behind his head. 

"Whatcha thinking?" She asked sliding in next to him. 

"Just how very lucky I am." 
"Why's that?" 
"I got you." He said sweetly. 

"Other way around, babe." She said. 

"I say it's equal." 

"I love you, Jean," He sighed pulling her closer. 

"I love you, too, Jakey." She slurred sleepily and he chuckled before she fell into a sleep.

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