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She awoke to her Ipod playing loudly, 'Let It Go' by Escape the fate, and she flicked over to the I-Touch and pressed pause. Jake hadn't even stirred.. He'd better get home, they had to be at school and he had to be at his house before anyone noticed anything out of the ordinary. She nudged his ribs, probably having no affect on his part. Then her brain flicked on. 

She crawled over and out from under him, straddled his hips, and leaned down close to his face. She kissed him once on the chin, just in between his lips and chin, his lower lip, his lips, his nose, right between his eyebrows, and his forehead. She saw the smirk on his lips and kissed it away. He sighed dreamily and she grinned before getting up off him. 

She strolled to her dresser and got out a green tank and black jeans along with her sandals. She layed the clothes on the bathroom counter, heated up her curler. After making sure Jake got out, she started her routine. 

She slipped in the clothes, brushed her teeth, and washed her face. By then the curler was hot enough, and she curled the ends of her hair up to give it some life. Sometimes her hair was just too straight. After one last look in the mirror, she grabbed her dark, black shoulder bag and lifted the straps on her left shoulder. She went down to the kitchen and plopped her bag down with a thud, settled for another serving of Captain Crunch, then waited around for a while. 

It was nearing 7:20 by now, and Jacob should've been coming around in his Rabbit to pick her and Embry up. Speaking of which- where was he? She hadn't even noticed the unusually quiet atmosphere without him. She barged into his room, and he was still passed out on his bed- half of him hanging over the edge. 
There was something wrong with this boy. 

Genes just don't work the same anymore. 

She ripped the covers off him, causing him to fall to the floor in the previous tangled mess. He scrambled up and rubbed his head. He smiled sleepily when he saw her like all was jolly good fun!

"Get up, get ready, or we'll leave without you." She said simply. 

"Huh? What do you mean?" 

"School." She responded. He groaned loudly before stomping into the bathroom and slamming the door shut. She giggled at him before perking up at the horn honking in the front driveway. She ran to the bathroom and pounded on the 

"Five minutes!" She warned and she raced back to the kitchen. She grabbed her bag and ran out the door, down the driveway, and to the car. She sat herself in the small, middle, front seat between Jacob and what would be Embry. 

"Hey, guys," She said cheerfully- she usually was the morning person. 

"Ehhhhnnggh." Came the Zombie's responses. 

"Real nice, come on, it's our first day of Senior Year- Graduates- almost there!" She said excitedly. 

"Uuuuunggh." Paul and Quil said again. Jared was riding with Kim and would meet them there. 

"Ha, there he is- right on time!" Jean said proudly- she'd trained him well in her five minutes. Embry had a few books in one arm and he was slumping towards the car. 

"Okay, go- go- go!" She chorused once he was buckled up. 

About five to eight minutes later they slided into a nice, fit space up front. Perfect. She slung her bag over her shoulder once more and slid out after Jacob. She smirked and winked at him before swaying by him, swinging her hips just enough to get him hanging over the cliff. She hopped up the steps to her new school. The school she should've been at. Quilette High. 

"Kay, ready?" She asked reaching out for his hand and huffing out a deep breath. 

She waved them ahead to their lockers, knowing that they'd stand out in a crowd of high-schoolers and she stopped at the Office. There was a middle-aged woman sitting there with a few pencils sticking out her her hair. She looked slightly frazzled. 

"Erm, hi, I'm new here and-" 

"Ah, yes, your name?" 

"Jean Call." 

"Yes." She sighed."Oh, you're Embry's sister, are you twins?" Oh no. Her new title, Embry's sister. 

"Yes, we are." She said politly. 

"Alright, Jean here's your schedule- have a nice day." 

She glanced at the schedule and the map stapled to the back, it wasn't a very big school. Easy enough. She stood on tip-toes and glanced around but someone stepped in front of her. 

"Looking for someone?" It was a boy. He had spikey brown hair, all gelled up, and to top it off he had light green eyes. 

"Yeah, more like somebodies." She bit her lip and stood up on her toes again. 

"I could help." He shrugged. 

"Thanks. Massive guys around 6'5''-" 

"Yeah, I'll take you- do you know them?" 

"Yep, do you?" 

"Just about everyone does." 

"I'm related to Embry, twins, actually. I grew up with them." 

"Oh, I haven't seen you around." 

"I just moved back, I was in New York for school for seven years." 

"Oh, well, I'm Jeremey- Jay for short." He stuck out his hand. She shook it once and let it go. 

"I'm Jean Call." She smiled. 

"See you around?" 

"Yeah, later." She waved and turned to face the guys. 

"Who was that?" Jacob asked abruptly. 

"Jay." She said. His mouth turned down at the corners a bit. "He just helped me find you." He regained some of the smile. 

"Alright, lemme see." He snatched the schedule out of her hands. "Let's see here. . ." He scanned down the first collumn with his index finger. 

"Yes?" She prompted. 

"Advanced?" His eyes widened. 

"Oh, really?" She peeked over the paper. "Guess so." 

"We have Math, Spanish, Gym, and Study Hall together." 

"Nice turn-out. But I have nothing with the rest of you lugs." 

"Not our fault we're not super-smart like you and Jake." Embry shrugged. 

"Check that over with Aunt Gail." She rolled her eyes and sniggered. "You- good at school- funny." His eyes narrowed. 

After a while, they set off for homeroom- that was the only class she had with everyone of the guys and Kim. Today was where it all started. High School in La Push. With her boyfriend, with her best friends. . . She looked over at Jake and he entertwined their fingers to hold her hand, she smiled up at him and he winked again. 

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