Friday! :DD

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When they got home, she sent a reluctant Jacob home to get some much needed rest. Jean changed back into her pajamas and she stored the dress in her closet. She plugged her Ipod in her dock and she went to sleep after that. Tomorrow was Friday- thank God. (It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday! xD)

She woke up early around 6:30 and stumbled over to her dresser. She decided on a purple dress. She blew her hair straight once more and gathered her bangs. She grabbed her bag, swung it over her shoulder, gave Embry his five-minute-warning, and left to meet the guys. They had gotten somewhat better about mornings, too. 

"'Mornin' guys!" She said cheerfully and she pecked Jacob's cheek. 

"Aww, how sweet." Quil teased. "It's too early for affection!" 

"Pssh, okay." She said. 

After Embry came out just as groggily as everyday, they sped off to school. She went straight to her locker, dragging Jacob by his hand. Even though her and Jacob made the fact that they were together well-known, Jean still had run-ins with other guys. Which were not plesant. Especially from Jay who showed her to Jacob on her first day. Fun! 

"Hey, Jean!" He said, and lucky her- his locker was in her row, while Jacob's was down the hall more. 

"Hi, Jay." She said with her best sweet smile. 

"So, I got your party invitation." 

"You did?" She asked. 

"Erm- yeah," 

"Great, I was hoping you'd get invited." She lied. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Oh, I didn't send out the invitations- I don't really like parties, Kim helped." 

"Okay, sounds cool- see you later." He waved and left. 

"Why were you talking to him?" Jacob asked, glaring after him. 

"I thought I told you not to be jealous." 


"Jake, nope. Nothing's going on, he is way too. . . perky." She shuddered and Jacob laughed. 

After the long day of enduring schoolwork, schoolwork, and more- guess what? Schoolwork, they went home. Kim was already there with Jared- who had his head in his hands on the couch. Kim was pinning up streamers, signs, tableclothes, and everything else that was party-worthy. 

"Oh, jeez." Jean mumbled before placing her bag down. 

"Hi, is this okay?" Kim asked. 

"Yeah, perfect." She gave a sweet-smile. 

"Good, I got all the food together and all the invites were sent out a few days ago. Then I made a party mix on a few CD's, wanna see your cake?" 

"You got me a cake?" Jean's face lit up. 


"Lemme see! Lemme see! Lemme see!" She leaped up and down and ran to the kitchen. She heard the laughs behind her. 

She got to the kitchen and saw a tall cake with trimmings and loads of frosting. The frosting was Jean's favorite part, and she had been sure to tell Kim that. It was a relief to have a friend who wanted a future in party-planning! 

"Eeeeepppp!!!" She squeaked walking around the counter. 

"Oh, no." Embry moaned. 

"What?" Kim asked. 

"Sugar." He said shortly. He was remembering Jean's last sugar rush. It was her last birthday she'd be celebrating in La Push before leaving and they got a tall cake just like the one in the kitchen- with tons of frosting. Everyone was aware of Jean's sugar obsession, but they weren't aware that she kept sneaking finger-fulls of frosting through the night. By the time she got the biggest piece- she was jumping off the walls. 

"Don't worry, Em, it'll be fine." Jean said and she scooped a glob of frosting off the side. When she went for more, Kim slapped her hand away. 

"No more, it needs to look presentable." 

"It's a cake! Eaten or uneaten, it'll always look presentable!" She said before stealing another swipe. "Thanks, Kim!" 

They wasted away the rest of the afternoon until Kim and Jean went upstairs to get ready, and the guys left- except Embry. She dragged out the bag from her closet and the matching shoes to show Kim. Nobody except Jean had seen it so far. Once she took it out, Kim gasped excitedly. It could get no better than this. 

"Oh my god! Jacob is gonna die!" She giggled with Kim and then she went to her bathroom to get it on. 

She slid into it easily, put on the heels, and curled her hair slightly. The curls fell in loose, rich, ringlets around her face and she put on a small layer of makeup. Afterwards she clacked down the stairs with Kim. She was wearing a light blue dress that went down to her knees, it had a frosty touch to it- and it really lit up her face and made her glow. Her hair was straight and twisted into a half-up-half-down style. 

The guys were the first to arrive and Jean ran to the door. She beamed at them and winked at Jacob subtly. Embry grumbled and stomped in the other room. Quil, Paul, Jared, Seth, Brady, Collin, and everyone else followed Embry- since he had stomped to where the food was. After that people started arriving, and she left the door open and played some music. 

"So, are you glad you waited?" She asked referring to the dress. 

"A smidge." He said holding his index and thumb fingers a centimeter apart. 

"Just a smidge?" She swung her arms around his neck and sat on his lap. 

"Okay," He moved it down to half a centimeter. 

"What about if I asked you to come over later tonight?" She whispered in his ear flirtaciously. 

"So glad I waited." 

"That's what I thought." She slid off his lap and over to the presents. Afterward, Jacob pulled her out on the large porch out front. 

"So, ready for my present?" 

"Yes!" She said, grinning. 

"Okay, I hope you like it." She heaved a breath before taking out a jewelery box 
from his pocket. 

She took it and sat on the small, wooden swing getting ready to open it. Inside was the most gorgeous, breathtaking, necklace. 

"This is the best thing you could ever give me, Jakey." She slid her arms around his waist for a hug and he kissed her forehead. They sat there for a while until he helped her put it on. 

The party was agreed to be the best party of the year, until further notice. But Jean couldn't care less, she spent most her time with Jacob and cleaning for the most part. After everyone left, she and Kim cleaned up while the pack cleaned the plates- with their mouths. She went upstairs and changed into her pajamas. A black tank-top with thin cotton pants with white polkadots. 

Then she got ready for Jacob's arrival . . . 

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