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"How is she?" Jean leapt up from the wooden kitchen chair. She was waiting while Jacob helped a sixteen year old Michelle with her transformation into a werewolf. The vampires were still around, so there was so stopping it. By now, Embry had found a nice girlfriend and they had two boys of fourteen who had also already changed. Michelle was last. 

Quil and Claire had also fallen in love, since Claire was nearing seventeen or so now. Jared and Kim, together, had three kids, one girl and two boys- all of whom were also wolves. Sam and Emily had one girl and she was the new leader of the pack. Paul and Rachel even had three boys, who were also changed. All the generations had moved on. 

But Jean felt like she was missing nothing. She was now 28 and she was still happily married to Jacob. They would've had another kid or two or five, but since the first delivery went wrong- Jean wasn't able to have anymore kids. It worked out for Jacob, though, since it was like having twenty-four hour birth control. But she still hates not being able to have the big family she wanted. 

Although she'd become the new 'Emily', the one to serve all of the pack's meals and houseroom. At the minute, Michelle's groans and thrashing could be heard from the floor below. She was having a really tough time it seemed, but Jake said that he went through it all the same. That didn't stop a mother's worrying instinct, though. 

"Yes, she'll be fine. She just needs to hold up a few more days." He said and he embraced her lovingly. 

"Did you know I loved you?" She sighed contentedly in his arms. 

"Why, yes, yes I did." He joked. They laughed. 

"Do you regret anything?" She whispered. 

"I regret not stopping you from leaving, if I had we could've been together from the start- no Bella." 

"Don't think about her, that's in the past." 

"You know that I love you." 


Michelle gave another groan and Jacob pecked her lips and bounded up the stairs to remain at his daughter's side like he had done with her all her life. 

Two Weeks Later 

"Haha, isn't it great we're not related?" A voice teased from outside. 

"Shut it, you're such a pig!" 

"I take after my dad." 

"Apparently. Uncle Paul wouldn't like you teasing me, I am his favorite after all." 

"I'm his son." 


"And I think that counts for something," 


"Would you two quit it! You're acting like- like-" 



"What'll it be guys?" Jean called out the window. 

"Bacon!" The boys called back quickly. She laughed and got to work. She loved listening to the replicate conversations of her kids and her friend's kids, they were all so alike in many different ways. 

Paul's three boys were all similar and different. The oldest at fifteen was Joshua, he was the moodiest and angriest out of the bunch. The second oldest at fourteen, was Brody. And the third oldest at ten, was Connor. 
Brody loved Michelle, or loved to tease her persay, he was the perviest and slyest out of the group. They all showed different sides of Paul. While Connor was more quiet and generous but I guess it's too early to tell he's only ten after all. 

Everyone else seemed to think Brody and Michelle imprinted on eachother, but thought of themselves like family- so were in denial. Eh, they'd come around sometime. Connor was best friends with Embry's two boys who were very close and reflected Embry expertly. They were both leaders, protective, and un-troublemakers. 

Kim and Jared's kids were all pretty nice. The girl looked almost identical to Kim with dark flowing hair and a tan skin. She was loud, optimistic, and chatty. She and Joshua seemed to like eachother alot. Her name was Kayla. Their two boys were alot alike and hung out with whoever, they- like Jared- were quiet and sensitive, with a hint of slyness. Their names were David and Lewis. 

Together they were the new Quilulette pack, since their father's and/or mothers lost their abilities and genes of werewolves. It was amazing to see themselves as kids in a little movie, played out in front of them. And it made her think about all the times she had with her friends and Jacob. She couldn't have asked for a better life. 

It was late at night and the house was empty, for once. Michelle was staying over with the rest of the pack at Embry's house and Jean and Jacob were lying around in their bedroom enjoying the peace and quiet. 

"We're all alone." He said with a Jacob-smirk on his face. 

"Hmm, I hadn't noticed- all our kids are just so quiet." She teased slightly. 

"I wish," He muttered and he crawled on top of her, supplying only half of his 

"So, all alone, what do you plan on doing with me wolf-man?" She asked, twining her arms around his neck. 
"I think you know what I want to do." He pulled her in for a light kiss and she smiled at peace. 

"Well, if we must." She sighed playfully . . . 


"You know, I was just thinking." He said out of breath, as she layed on his chest. 

"Hmm?" She sighed. 

"You never did run away screaming." 

"You still expected it?" 

"Sort of." 

"You shouldn't have, I love you too much." 

"That's good to hear." 

"Isn't it?" 

"You know one of my favorite nights I ever spent with you?" 

"The first night we did it." She guessed, rolling her eyes. 

"No, the night you came back. When there was thunder." 

"Did you know there'd be thunder?" 

"I checked." 

"How very like you. My favorite was the night before school." 

"When we went swimming in minimum clothing?" He mocke. 

"Yeah," She laughed. "Or the night you proposed." 

"That was a very frustrating one." 

"You really told Embry though." 

It was silent for a while, and she thought that he may have been asleep until, 

"I love you, Jean." 

"I love you, too, Jakey." 

Ta Dah!! Ready! Hoped you guys liked it! It was really fun writing this series.

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