Edward Cullen

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She woke up and turned over in her bed, to where she should've found Jacob. Instead there was an undershirt, probably his from last night, with something scrawled across it in thick, black sharpie. So like him. 

Went home, come by soon, I love you- Your Jakey. P.S. You snore. 

Wait, wait, wait- snore?? She snored? Oh god, first wearing a hairstyle worthy of The Bride Of Frankenstein, then snoring, perfect! What else?! She climbed out of the bed, it felt empty- and less warm- without Jacob there. She went to her dresser and decided on an orange tank, blue jeans and some flats . She pulled her hair into the best and highest ponytail she could and set off.

She walked down the winding dirt roads of La Push. The rain from the first night she got here had now gone away. She smiled to herself, remembering that day. Then she saw a silver Volvo come splashing down the road, she twisted out of the way. But not before seeing a gorgeous driver. He had the palest skin, bronze colored hair, and a nice build. He looked around her age. 

She saw the car driving towards Jake's house, but then again she could always be paranoid. She jogged the rest of the way and when she finally got there she saw the same shiny Volvo out front and she heard angry voices. Then she felt, all of a sudden, slightly angry. But it passed quickly. She walked to the screen door, the regular door was already open, but she was shoved out of the way by the mysterious stranger that she'd seen. He had a scowl locked on his features. 

She walked in and Jacob was standing in the middle of the kitchen, shaking with anger like he did before changing into a wolf- or so she heard. 

"What was that all about?" She asked. 

JACOB'S POV (15 minutes earlier) 

He changed his clothes, into the usual pair of sloppy sweatpants, and ran some water through his short hair. It was just starting to grow, Jean'd be happy. He took the stairs two-at-a-time and saw it. Him. The leech. The bloodsucker. Edward. He drove up in his car, show off, and got out. He slammed the door, but it landed in the slot gracefully. Ugh. Wolves could be graceful, right? 

He met him at the door and opened it reluctantly. How funny would it be to shut the door and lock it, then stand there pointing and laughing in the Leech's face. Ha, how funny? 

"Not funny." He said in a velvety voice. 

"Still reading minds?" 

"Still wearing minimum clothing?" He retorted. 

"Touche." He said stiffly. "What're you doing here, I stopped talking to you a while ago." 

"I know," He said then added. "Bella misses you." 

"Like Hell she does." 

"Anyway, we have to solve an issue with the Volturi- the-" 

"I know what they are." He snapped. 

"Yes, of course you do. We were just wondering if you could take Renesmee. We have nowhere else to take her." 

"Like baby-sitting?" 

"Sort of." 

"Why are you coming to me?" 

"Bella thought it would be best-" 

"Why isn't she here then?" 

"She had to-" 

"What? Go hunting?" 

"Yes, actually." 

"I don't really see why you're coming to me, though. Bella chose you, she had 
Renesmee, she's a v-vampire." He choked out the word. "I haven't seen you in years. What's this, a reminder to the past?" 

"Maybe you could forgive and forget." Edward suggested softly. 

"Forget? Forgive? Not for you. You and Bella made my life Hell, and it took me a long time to get over that. I don't like flashbacks, no thanks." 

"Don't be stubborn, please, for Bel-" 

"For Bella? For Bella!" He raised his voice, with a little shock and anger now. All the things- heartbreak, rejection, everything was too much. Now they wanted his help, when they never gave in an ounce for him?! 

"I know." He mumbled. 

"I'll talk to Jean." He said through clenched teeth. 

"Jean?" He questioned. 

"My imprint." Edward looked shocked for a moment but regained regular emotion. "She's coming, you'd best leave." 

"Think about it," He said before leaving the house. He saw the scowl, or rather- the screwed up face from the smell. Werewolf must be crawling on this place. Since he was one. . . 

"What was that all about?" Her voice rang through the small kitchen. 

"That was Edward Cullen." 

"You mean-" 


"What'd he want?" She wrinkled her nose a bit. 



"They want me to babysit Renesmee, their kid." 

"How come?" She asked, her face now softening. Oh no- Jean loved kids! Damn! 

"They need to go to Italy and they have nowhere to leave her." 

"Aw, we should watch her." 

"What?" He asked. Play dumb, good move. 

"It'd be good practice, you know, if we ever have kids. . ." 

"Us? Have kids?" 

"I didn't mean-" She said quickly. 

"No. I- that sounds nice. Let's do this." Damn her! Damn him! DAMN IMPRINTING! 

"Good, why don't you call them?" 

"Erm- I don't have their number, I burned it. . ." 

"Only you, Jake, only you." He grinned sheepishly as she shook her head. 

"So, we have to go see them?" He said more as a question. He really didn't want to, and that made her feel better. 

"I guess." She shrugged. "Let's go see Sam and the guys. I think Embry went there anyway." 

So they set off for Sam's. Then they would be going back to the Cullen's, well her the first time, but for him- numerous times. It would be like walking back into the past, only with a new future. Would this mess up everything? Would Bella get involved with Jake? Would he cheat on her? Would Jake fall. . . out of love- with her? In love with Bella? 

All these things skimmed her mind, only to be pushed away hurriedly. Sometimes so quick as to not even hear the question. This could be good. . . 

Or it could be bad. 


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