Let's piss Embry off!

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Their meaningless yelling and frantic questions got her annoyed, so she hopped out of Jake's arms and skipped to the front door that had just been knocked on. The guys had been oblivious to it. She opened it to find a boy looking around sixteen with light blonde hair with a windswept sort of look to it. He was cute, but in that little-boy sort of way. 

"Hi, are you our paper boy?" She asked politly. He looked up, he had light blue eyes. Then they widened, the same look from New York. The younger freshman kids when they saw her- great, another one of them. 

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked nodding to her, then fishing in his bag and handing her a paper. 

"Not much, what do I owe you?" 

"Actually about ten dollars- for past papers. But maybe I can give you a discount." He winked. 

"No thanks." She said and she sped off to the kitchen to get money and then rolling her eyes and jerking her head to the door. She came back and counted out the ones and pushed them towards him. 

"Thanks, so I haven't seen you here before." 

"No, I just moved back." 

"Oh, so are you related to that other guy?" 

"Yeah, he's my brother." 

"Oh, nice. What's your name?" 

"Jean, you are. . .?" 

"Andy. Do you go to school around here?" 

"Yeah, down at Quilette High." 

"Cool, I'll see you then." 

"Sure." His face lit up and he waved before driving off to the next house. She snorted with laughter and shut the door. She threw the paper on the counter and slid on it once more. 

"What's so funny?" Paul asked. 

"Our paper boys hilarious." 

"Really? I always thought he was a-" 

"Twit? We have him too." Quil said. 

"What'd he do?" Jacob asked. 

"He was trying to flirt with me." She said and she turned to walk around, she could see the guys exchanging protective glances. 

"Well, anyway," Embry said stiffly. "There's a bonfire tonight." 

"You mean the legendary La Push bonfires?" She said excitedly. 

"Yep, the very ones." Jared said. She laughed. 

"Just like old times. When is it?" 

"About seven tonight. What should we do until then?" 

"I say we get some lunch and hang out here." 

And they did. They ordered multiple pizzas of different kinds and flipped to a movie channel on T.V. They watched everything from documentaries, to romance comedies, regular comedies, plain stupid shows, kids movies, and last but not least. . . horror. Jake seemed disapointed for some reason. 

"What's wrong?" She whispered quietly. The rest of the guys had fallen asleep. It was nearing six o'clock now. 

"Nothing." He grumbled. 

"Are you disapointed because I'm not clinging to you in fear?" She giggled. 

He looked away inocently. "No." He muttered. 

"Yes." She grinned. 


"That's it." She said and she leaned up to kiss him, but only a peck. 

"I was enjoying that." He sighed when she pulled away. 

"Tell that to him." She jerked her head over to Embry sleeping above them on the couch. 

"I'd like to." He muttered again and she laughed softly. 

"How about this," He looked over into her eyes, she studied the big, blue, twinkling wideness of them for a few seconds. 

"At the bonfire we stay for the stories and if you can't contain yourself we'll sneak down to the beach." 

"Oh? And do what?" He smirked the Jacob-smirk she loved. 

"That's up to you." She said and she got up from the floor. She started folding up blankets, picking up pillows, and cleaning up empty pizza boxes. She fixed her ponytail in the mirror and went to her room. She changed into a simple tank top and shorts, along with some lace-up boots, it was just a bonfire. 

After that she went downstairs and it was nearing 6:15. Perfect timing. She went through the rooms to find Jake, he was leaning against a counter and eating more pizza. 

"Still hungry?" She asked leaning next to him, rasing her eyebrows. 

"I'm a growing boy." He teased. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." She waved a hand at him and took the pizza out of his hand, took a bite, and stuck it back in his mouth. 

"Ew, girl cooties." He teased again and she rolled her eyes playfully. 

"Hey, wanna piss Embry off big time?" She smirked. 

"Erm- I don't think we should-" 

"Trust me, I did it almost everyday when I was little." He sighed and shook his head and followed her reluctantly. 

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