Not Fun At All

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When they finally got to the long strip of stores and restaraunts, Port Angeles, she unbuckled herself from Jacob and hopped out. He followed after. She ran over to Kim and they started a rapid-fire conversation on where to go, what to get, and how to get it. They decided on going in the first store they saw which was: Abercrombie And Fitch. Jean wasn't a big fan of it, but Kim was. 

She picked out a few more tank-tops that would match nicely with her clothes and got out. . . stat. Her eyes were burning up from the perfume and cologne they sprayed inside- it was positively revolting. She coughed loudly and they crossed the street to go in a few more stores. Jean ended up with two more pairs of jeans, a big navy-blue sweatshirt, the tank-tops, and a pair of fuzzy socks with frogs on them; just for fun. 

"I'm hungry!" Paul announced. . . or moaned. 

"Of course you are," She and Jake said in unsion. They grinned over at eachother. 

"Not my fault, you said yourself that Rachel Ray burned breakfast!" 

"That's not my permanent nickname!" Embry grumbled. 

"Okay, back to eating." Quil said. 

"What about McDonalds, since it's right there- I don't want to hear anymore of the groaning." Jean said. 

Quil, Paul, and Embry began discussing who's meals would be the biggest and who would pay for them and of course some more betting. She noticed Jacob standing on the sidewalk beside her, but staring ahead shaking his head at the rest of the pack. Jared and Kim were entertwined a little in front of them. She bumped her hip against his thigh, since that was what she reached. 

"How may I help you?" He asked, smirking the Jacob-smirk. 

"Oh, nothing." She said in a sing-songy voice. 

"JEAN!" Embry hollered from up front. 

"WHAT?" She screamed back. 

"C'MERE!" She winked over a Jacob and she jogged up front to the three. 

"Yep?" She sighed. 

"Mom's on the phone," He said thrusting a phone at her. She scrunched up her nose in disgust but put the phone to her ear. 

"Hi, mom." She said simply. 

"Hi, honey. I had the most fabulous idea." Jean waited. "How about a welcome-back party for you, we'll invite everyone!" 

"Erm- mom, no, I don't think that'd be-" 

"Great! I'll get started on everything tonight, what kind o-" 

"MOM! NO!" She said loudly into the receiver. 

"Don't raise you're voice at me!" She yelled back and Jean held the phone a foot away from her ear. "All you have to do is get a nice dress, alright?" She sighed. 

"Yes, Mom." 

"Good, come by when you're all finished." 

"Yes, Mom." 

She clicked the phone shut and joined the others in the fast-food place. She watched as the rest of the pack ordered atleast three Big-Mac's each and a couple orders of fries. She giggled at Quil and Paul's anxiety. She stepped up when it was her turn. 

"Can I have a Plain Cheeseburger Happy Meal?" She asked sweetly. The guys snorted behind her. "Just because I don't have the appetite of a wildabeast!" She snapped playfully. "Thank you." She said again to the cashier, only more sweetly. "You'll be sorry, 'cause guess what?" 
"What?" Jared asked. 

"I get a toy!" She grinned childishly. 

"Damnit, I forgot about them!" Quil said under his breath and everyone laughed. 

"Oh, Jean, what'd Mom want?" 

"Uggh, don't remind me!" She groaned, sinking back in her chair. 

"What?" Jacob asked from beside her. 

"She's having a welcome-back party for me, and we have to dress nice, and the whole family's coming." She said with alot of emphasis. 

"Sounds fun," Kim commented cheerfully. 

"Have you met our Mother?" She asked turning to face her. 

"No, I don't think I have." 
"When she got our hands on parties when I was here seven years ago, she went 
all out. I personally, hate our family." She shrugged airily. 

"Jean!" Embry said outraged. 

"Like you don't hate them too. Our cousin's are perves, the girl ones are snobs, our grandparents are blind as bats, and our aunts and uncles can barely keep track of any of us." She listed off our fingers. 

"Quil's a perv." Embry pointed out. 

"Um, right here!" He waved an arm in front of his face. 

"Yes, but not on an atrocious level." 

"You've got a point." 

"Right here!" He said louder. 

"Oh, shut up, you know we're right." She smiled inocently. 

Afterwards they went into a small dress shop, or rather; Kim and Jean went into a small dress shop while the boys stood outside. Apparently they'd rather stay outside in the breezy summer weather, then go in a shop for ten minutes to look at dresses. She picked out a simple prune dress and a soft material and put on an awesome leather jacket to boy it up just a little bit. It went down to about her mid-calf and hung down on her curves perfectly. Sure, Jean was girly- but not as girly as her mom would like her to be. 

"Done?" Paul asked, pretty surprised. Even Kim had picked out a nice one quickly. She had gotten a silvery gray dress with a fancy turtly-neck style and splits up to her knees. It was perfect for her. 

"Yeah, we're speedy shoppers." She said. 

They piled in the car once more and Jean perched herself on Jacob's lap once more. They grinned at eachother as she fasted the seatbelt around their hips again and she held his hand and played with it on the ride home. They went to the Call's this time around to help out with the party. 
Not. Fun. At. All. -party dress

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