He was here, safe, and eating.

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She parked the Rabbit outside her house in the long driveway and she held the note from Jacob tightly in her hands. If something ever happened to those lugs she wouldn't know what to do. . . Nothing, probably. Sure, they were freakishly large werewolves but still- they were a Bunch Of Lugs. They were complete idiots! 

Idiots she loved. 

She plugged in her Ipod and played an endless amount of Alternative and Rock music up to full blast. She didn't bother doing the homework she had, there was time later. She always thought better later at night, anyway. For some strange reason before she had Jacob to comfort her to sleep, she always stayed up late into the night, never getting tired. 

All these things, things like these, made her wonder if maybe it was all because of Jacob. 

But he wasn't here now, therefore she stayed up late. She drowned herself in music until she passed out on her bed. Everything was too quiet to have the music turned down low like her mother instructed- that just wasn't an option. Who could listen to their mother at a time like this? She tried to think what they'd be doing, fighting or laying low. 

The next morning she got up to face a cloudly, gloomy day. She picked out a simple dress and some sandals, an apple that would remain untouched though it was her favorite food, and the keys to the Rabbit. 

She started the engine and drove off towards school. . .Alone. . . When she got there she went straight to her locker and through her classes. Without Jacob. But who better to show up then the perky Jay, perky being the key word. Hopefully this guy could take a hint. 

"Hey, Jean!" He said sliding in the seat next to her in Spanish where Jake said yesterday. 

"Hi, Jay." She said quietly. 


"Nothing much, just enduring another long day of school." He laughed. 

"Where are your friends, today?" 

"Oh-" What the Hell was she supposed to tell him?? "We had a death. In the family. They had to go to the funeral." Smooth, Jean. 

"Why aren't you there?" Crap. 

"Erm- I don't like funerals, they make me too upset." Few! 

"Oh, that's too bad. I'm sorry." 

"Not your fault." She gave a small smile and faced front without another word. Now he'd leave her be. 

The rest of the day, she dragged on and when it came time for Math, she sat over towards the back against the window. It was Friday, which meant- according to Ms. Degray- sit wherever you want. Or maybe just beacuse it was 
the second day and she'd already lost all hope of learning their names. Whichever, it worked for Jean. 

The window was cracked so there was a nice breeze, which is what she needed. Plenty of fresh air. Just as Ms. Degray was going over something about the algebraic expressions on the overhead, she heard a whimper like sound. Then a soft bark. She turned towards the window and there he was, the russet colored shaggy werewolf she loved. 


"Ms. Degray!" She stuck her hand in the air. 

"Yes, Jean?" 

"May I please be excused, I don't feel good." 

"Yes, go." She waved her off and she grabbed her books, threw them in her locker which was conveniently close, and she bolted outside to the parking lot. She glanced around and saw in the woods across the street two gleaming eyes. It moved out in the open a bit, and before giving a quick glance around she ran to the patch of trees. 

Once Jean was on the grassy opening with a tree here or there, she knelt down and hugged him around his neck. She buried his face in his fur and breathed in his scent. She almost started crying, she was so happy. Nothing had happened, it was over, no one was hurt. Atleast. . . she didn't think so. She lead him to his car and he got in the passenger seat. 

She smiled the whole way home, she didn't even care that she was ditching school- Embry was too, and it's not like their mom would care. She pulled in the driveway and let him in through the door to the empty house. He thundered up the stairs to her room and she sat back on her bed and she felt him jump up next to her. 

He pounched on her shoulders and within a blink of her eye, there he was. He was in human form, smirking on top of her. There was only problem with that, he hadn't brought any clothes. Imagine how bad this would look if anyone found them like this? A clothes-less Jacob lying on top of her in the middle of the day, on her bed, alone, in her room. 

She leaned up and kissed his lips longingly, eagerly. He kissed back with just as much will and force. She pulled back after a minute and wound her arms around his neck and let them hang together. 

"You have no clothes on." She reminded him in a sigh. 

"I hadn't realized." He said sarcastically. "I just couldn't wait a second longer to kiss you, minus the slobber." 

"Well, I'm glad you did. I'll get you some sweatpants." She covered her eyes with both hands and she blindly searched for her door. She went into Embry's room, snatched up a pair of loose pants, and went back to the room- squinting her eyes shut first. 

"All clear." He said a few seconds later. Before she opened her eyes she felt his arms around her waist and his lips on hers. They were fierce and wild, and she returned with just as much passion. But before they could get any further than that, the door opened and slammed shut. Embry. He was the only likely 

"I'll be back." Jacob whispered going for the window. 

"Tonight?" She breathed back, pressing her lips together in a line. 

"Yeah, if Embry asks- say you stayed home for the day." He said before leaping out and colliding with the ground. First floor bedrooms rocked! 

Once he left she went out to the kitchen where he was searching for something to eat. His whole top half was practically standing in the refridgerator. This was going nowhere. 

"Embry!" She breathed and once he turned around, she leaped on him in a hug. 

"Jean, you're safe." He said relieved. 

"'Course. Nobody's hurt?" 

"Nope, we handled ourselves just fine." 

"Good," She murmured and she prepared some late lunch. She made a batch of grilled cheese sandwiches for the both of them and he inhaled about six with atleast four bags of chips. The boy never stopped. . . 

But that didn't matter. He was here, safe, and eating.

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