Eh if you insist

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The rest of the day was spent entertaining Renesmee. And it wasn't punishment, she was really easy to take care of. Jacob dug out his old boardgames and toys from when he was younger, too. They watched different children's programs on T.V., did puzzles, and played with dolls she had brought with her. Jean watched how Jacob was with Renesmee as well, he was a natural. He was sweet and silly, like usual- only toned down as to not scare her I presume haha. 

Now she knew that if they ever had a kid, he'd be nominated for #1 Dad award. There was no other answer. He would run around the small house giving her piggy-back and airplane rides. When it came to about 6:30 they had a dinner of macaroni and cheese. Jean cooked up five boxes. Jacob alone, he ate about three or four. 

They put her in Jacob's bed around seven. The day had gone smoothly, and Bella and Edward were getting back around midnight. If they'd stayed awake they would get Renesmee, if not they'd just take her. She plopped down next to Jake after sitting and listening to Renesmee read her own bedtime story. 

"Hey," She smiled. 

"What goes on?" He asked slinging an arm around her shoulders. 

"Not much. She's a smart kid." 

"She is." He agreed. "You'd make a really good mom." 

"You'd make an even better dad." 


"Yeah," She insisted. He shrugged. 

"Well, you know what?" 


"You'd be the hottest mom on the block." She cracked a small smirk and cocked her head to the side. He leaned in slow, and she let him, he smiled before pulling her in the last few inches for a kiss. She flipped her legs on the couch and he kneeled over them and leaned her down slowly, directing her with his lips. He put a hand on either side of her head for balance. 

They were so into it, and she never wanted it to end. It seemed like each time she kissed Jake- the whole world stopped and it was. . . magical. The whole hocus-pocus crap and all. But in this case, it wasn't crap. He sat up but let his lips linger for a second, as if torn between two things. She looked up at him, suddenly concerned. 

"What is it?" She asked. 

"Bloodsuckers." He sighed and he let his head fall frustedly before sitting up. 

"That hearing could come in handy." 

"It has." He shrugged again. 

"See? So being a werewolf isn't all that bad." 

"I guess." But then there was a knock on the door. Jean leapt up to get it. 

She opened it to find the only two people to be expected at midnight on a Tuesday. Bella and Edward. Bella looked anxious, like she was all set and ready to get her kid and scram. Edward, however, was calm and at ease. That seemed like a regular trait for him. She gave them a warm smile and she backed up to let them in. She let Bella hurry up the stairs to get Renesmee. 

Edward stood in the doorway, somewhat awkwardly while Jacob kept his stare to the floor- as not to glare like Jean had instructed him. Bella came back down with a still sound asleep Renesmee in her hands, she had her bag too. She went to stand by Edward. 

"So, you're trip went okay?" Jean asked, attempting to make conversation. 

"Perfectly, as planned." Edward responded politly. 

"Right, well Renesmee was great. She's very smart." 

"Thank you," Bella said quietly. "And thanks for watching her. Good-bye, Jean. . . Jacob. See you soon. . .?" 

"Sure, sure," Though instead of the usual cheery tone- it wasn't promising. 

"Nice to meet you, again." Jean said. 

They turned and left and they gave eachother looks on the way to the car, she thought it was amazing how they could communicate just through their eyes. Maybe it was a marriage kind of thing. Sam and Emily did it all the time. . . 

"What's bothering you, Grumpy?" She asked placing both her hands on his chest. 

"They ruined the moment." He grumbled. 

"I'm sure we can catch up." She said and she turned around and jogged up the stairs- but quietly, as to not wake Billy, and he followed with some floating chuckles. She fell into his bed tiredly and rested her hands behind her head. He smirked before kicking off his shoes and lying beside her. She sighed contentedly, but then remembered something. 

"Do I really snore?" She asked abruptly. 

"Like a bear." He laughed. She frowned. "A very sexy bear." He added and she blushed and put on a small smile. 

"Well?" She asked after a minute, but playfully. 

"What?" He asked dumbly. 

"Well, are you going to kiss me?" She smirked fully. 

"Eh, if you insist." And he leaned in to kiss her. She wound her arms around his neck instead and they picked up where they left off, now getting the chance to deepen their kiss. After a few more long minutes of making-out, he pulled away and scootched down on the matress and leaned on her shoulder. She grinned, it was like they'd switched places. She stroked his hair with her hand. 

"Jake?" She asked. 

"Jean?" He responded, only half-mocking. 

"When do we have to go back to school?" 

"Ugh, don't remind me." She giggled. 

"What if we don't have any classes together?" 

"Then we'd have to fix that." 

But it really was something to think about. It was June 14th already, she'd been here a few days. Funny when you thought about it, to fall in love in a few days. But then again, she'd known him most of her life. . . She let all the worries go and eventually, she fell asleep exactly like that. His head resting on her shoulder and his arms around her middle, and hers resting on top of his head, her arm around his shoulder. 

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