Looking for rings - Wedding Series

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The ring in the media slot is the ring he finally chooses :)

Wes's POV:

Today I was going to the jewelry store with my mom, sister, and Rosemary to pick out a ring to propose to (Y/N) with. She was spending the day with family members who live in Arizona, since she hasn't seen them in a long time. I put on a baseball tee, a pair of jeans, and slipped my shoes on. I met up with my mom and sister in the living room, and we left; Rose was meeting up with us at the mall.

*skip car ride*

We made it to the mall, walked in, and went straight to the first jewelry store we saw. I immediately went to the engagement rings. A lady working here came up to me and started talking.

"Hi. How can I help you today?"

"Hi. I'm looking for an engagement ring," I said with a proud smile. She smiled also.

"Well, I can show you a collection we have right over here," she led me over a few feet to another case.

"These are the most popular. We have Tiffany & Co., James Allen, Blue Nile, Brilliant Earth. Just look around, and you can ask to see any ring you have an interest in." I smiled and nodded at her and began to look. My mom was also pointing out a bunch of rings. They were okay, but they weren't perfect. I looked in the case the lady showed me, and wow! All of the rings were beautiful. The Brilliant Earth rings are VERY expensive, like over $5,000. I love (Y/N), but $5,000 for a ring is a little too much for me. Blue Nile had BEAUTIFUL rings, again, a bit too pricy. James Allen rings weren't the best, I mean, all of the rings are beautiful, but not extremely eye-catching. I want the best for (Y/N), and those rings wouldn't do. The last brand was Tiffany & Co. I've heard of this brand before; it was expensive but these rings are beautiful. I found one that caught my eye. $42,800!!! Holy shit! I mean, it's beautiful, but that's a lot of money! I called the worker over and told her which one I wanted to look at. She handed it to me once it was out of the case.

 She handed it to me once it was out of the case

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"It's a beautiful ring, sir." I smiled. It really was. The three girls walked over to me and surrounded me as I looked at the ring. It was perfect. But for $42,000? I had to think about it.

"It's beautiful, Wes. And it's blue. (Y/N) loves the color blue," Rosemary said as she studied the ring with me.

"I love it. But it's $42,800."

"Do you have a price limit?" I heard the lady ask.

"I would like to stay under or around $2,000." She nodded and walked away, and grabbed a set of rings from another case. While she was walking back over, Sarah called out to me.

"Hey, Wes. There's some rose gold rings over here."

"I looked over those, but (Y/N) loves silver. I'm gonna stick with silver. Thank you, though." She simply nodded and walked back over to me. The lady set the rings down in front of me, the Tiffany & Co. ring was set aside for me; in case I actually wanted to buy it.

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