Request for Emilee

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hope you like this!! sorry it took so long, been busy with homecoming week/spirit week, helping with the hoco newspaper issue for my school, and of course homework and work on top of all of that  🙃

back to doing questions of the day: are you excited for Niall Horan's new album on Friday???? OH HELL YEAH I CANT WAIT FOR THIS WE FINALLY GET A WHOLE ALBUM FULL OF NIALL'S VOCALS AND I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER AFBIUHGUIFSD

second question: what's your favorite Christmas movie?  mine would have to be Elf, it's the best 😂 but I also love Nightmare Before Christmas

also, I apologize if you don't celebrate Christmas, I thought this was a fun idea :)

anyways, enjoy! :)

Your POV:

I sat on my couch drinking a cup of hot chocolate, waiting for my best friend Nick to come over so we could have our annual Christmas movie marathon. It was currently winter, my favorite season, and every year Nick and I would plan a night in watching a bunch of our favorite Christmas movies.

I was making a list of movies we were wanting to watch tonight when the doorbell rang, causing me to get up and answer it.

"Nick! Hey!" I hugged him, inviting him inside away from the cold, running into the kitchen to make him a hot chocolate as well. 

"Okay, I have the list of movies. We're of course starting with Elf, because it's a classic. I also have The Santa Clause, Nightmare Before Christmas, A Charlie Brown Christmas, and How The Grinch Stole Christmas. We can watch others if we think of any more, those are just the ones I really wanna watch."

"Those sound great. Do you have the couch set up like we usually have it?"

"Ugh, no. I got caught up trying to think of movies and I was drinking hot chocolate, I got distracted. You know where the extra covers and pillows are, if you wanna set it up for me while I finish making these." He left the room to set up the couch while I topped off the hot chocolate mugs with marshmallows.

Walking into the living room where Nick was, I set our mugs down as he finished setting our covers up.

"Is Wes supposed to be coming, too?" I hear Nick ask as we settled down. Cuddling wasn't unusual for us, we did it all the time, perks of being best friends.

'He's supposed to, but I'm not sure. He said he had to finish some things at the studio and he didn't know how long it would take him. He said he'll try, but he couldn't promise anything." 

We started the first movie, drinking our hot chocolates and cuddled under a fuzzy blanket. About halfway through the movie, the front door opened to reveal Wes, with a weird look on his face.

"Emilee? What are you two doing?"

"I told you Nick and I were having our annual Christmas movie marathon tonight. I invited you, but you said you weren't sure if you could make it," I whispered, shying away from him, wondering why he was so pissed off.

"Well I'm here now," he huffed and plopped down on the couch next to me, pulling my body into his, and away from Nick's. My eyes glanced over at Nick's hurt expression, and I gave him a sorrowful look.

'I'm sorry,' I mouthed to him. He gave me a soft smile to tell me it was okay, but it wasn't. Wes had no right to be jealous of Nick, and for him to come in and interrupt and pull me away from my best friend was wrong; yes, I did invite him, but he didn't have to literally pull me away from Nick for cuddling with him.

"Um, Wes, can I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute?" I looked up at him. His eyes held a worried look, I shook my head and got up.

"What's wrong, Em?"

"No, Wes, what's wrong with you? Why did you come in here all angry and seething when you saw Nick and I hanging out? It's our tradition, you know that. You seemed really offended we were hanging out. I even told you we were spending tonight together. I invited you, too, so down make it seem like it's my fault." I wasn't making any sense at this point, I was just pissed at Wes.

"Why were you guys cuddling, huh?" He whisper-yelled at me. My face contorted in confusion. What? Is this what he is mad about?

"Nick and I cuddle all the time. We're best friends. It's what we do. What's the problem with that?" Wes stayed silent after I asked him. I stood there waiting for an answer. All he did was stare down at his shoes.


"I like you, okay!! I like you, Emilee! I like you so much, I hate seeing you and Nick cuddling, wishing I could cuddle with you instead. I got jealous, I'll admit that. I was jealous. And now I know it wrong for me to snatch you out of his grip, but I didn't want you to know that I liked you. I acted horribly, and I apologize for that. I can leave and come back and see you tomorrow. I'm sorry for the drama I caused," he sighed, feeling defeated and ready to leave.

"Wes," I grabbed his hand before he could walk away.

"I like you, too. You have no reason to be jealous and me and Nick. He likes some girl at his school, we're only best friends, okay?" He nodded and smiled softly.

"So you like me, huh?" He smirked, stepping closer to me and stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"I do."

"Then how about tomorrow we go on a date?" I grinned widely, looking into his beautiful hazel eyes, the same look in them matching my bright blue ones.

"That sounds great, Wes. Now let's get back to our marathon. I feel bad for leaving Nick alone."

"I have to apologize to him. Oh, and you two can cuddle for the rest of the night," he whispered. I shook my head, a confused look crossing his face.

"I think I found a new cuddle buddy." 

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