Request for Maddy

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question for today: favorite season? mine has to be fall, but i also love summer

hope you like this Maddy :) SavageTucker-

Your POV:

Today was Press Play San Diego, and to say I was excited was an understatement. So many new talents were coming today, some that I haven't met, some that I've smelt a couple times, and not to mention it was my first Press Play. I was a popular YouTuber, known for my amazing voice, and also as a fashion icon.

I sat in my hotel room, applying makeup for the upcoming day, and trying to decide on what to sing. Finally, after twenty minutes, I decided to sing Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande. Once I was finally done, I grabbed my bag of things I packed the night before, my phone and the charger it was connected to, and of course my room key. I trailed down the hallway to the elevator, talking to a fan while we waited.

"So what are you gonna sing today?" The girl, named Briana, asked me excitedly.

"Nope! It's a secret until I'm on stage." Her face fell with disappointment, but perked up when a light bulb went off in her head.

"Are you finally meeting Wes today?" I smiled, expecting the question. Wes and I have a weird and fun friendship online, and I'm guessing everyone was waiting for pictures of us together.

"Yes, I am meeting him. I'm really scared, though."

"Why? You two are amazing, you two are so funny, individually and together. Why scared?" I shrugged, finally stepping into the elevator.

"Our friendship online could be totally different from our friendship in real life," I described quietly.

"I mean, I don't see us not getting along, but it could be awkward."

"Oh, right. Well, I really can't wait to hear you today, and I really can't wait for pics of you and Wes!" I hugged her close to me and thanked her for the love and support, stepping out into the lobby and towards the conference room. I arrived at my booth, shrugging my bag off and plopping onto the ground, exhausted from being up all night.

Wes's POV:

I sat at my booth, messing with my guitar, when out of the corner of my eye, I see a girl fall to the ground. I set my guitar down gently, my eyes filled with concern as I made my way over to her. She was at a booth, so I'm guessing she was a new talent. I stood at the end of the booth and peered over her.

"Are you okay?" I finally spoke, causing her jump about 10 feet off the ground, her eyes wide with fear.

"What the hell!?" She yelled right when I spoke. I stepped back an inch or two and held my hand out for her.

"Maddy? Oh my gosh." I was in shock. Standing in front of me was Maddy, the girl I've been waiting to meet ever since I followed her on Instagram.

"Wes?" She seemed just as shocked as me, or maybe it was the fact she was still freaking out about someone interrupting her sleep.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked, embarrassed, and not to mention awkward. I don't know what's going on, but I can't seem to talk to her.

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