Epilogue - Baby Series

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So i wanted to do something new from now on. In the beginning or end of every chapter in an author's note, like this, I'll ask a question, and you can respond and interact with each other, and me :) i'll also answer the question myself.  i love this idea tbh, i feel like it'll allow me to get to know everyone who reads and enjoys my book(s) more. Would you all like it if i did??

Ok so, first question, if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you and why?

Personally, i love New Orleans and Duluth, Minnesota. New Orleans has so much culture and its so beautiful there, besides the flying cockroaches and weird looking bugs 😂 and Duluth is on the lake, it has such a chill and calm atmosphere. i would also wanna live in either Paris, Italy, or Greece. The cities are beautiful 😍 or Ireland lol

ok on with the story!! (hopefully this one won't delete 🙄)

*fast forward 4 years*

your outfit:

Wes's outfit:

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Wes's outfit:

Xander's outfit:

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Xander's outfit:

Xander's outfit:

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Your POV:

It had been four years since Xander was born, and he could not be any cuter. He is literally a mini-Wes, no joke. His eyes are Wes's bright hazel, and his lips are as plump as his dad's. He inherited my smile though, as well as the shape of my nose. We had moved out of our Chicago apartment and into a house in Scottsdale, close to Wes's family. (i forgot what city Wes is from, so sorry if this is wrong) He didn't want our kids to grow up away from their grandparent(s), yet my parents are 10+ hours away. We had that fight about that, it's over now; my parents weren't as upset as I was though. Also, recently, Wes got back from a worldwide tour with PressPlay, and I was over-the-top happy he was; I missed him too much for a month and a half.

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