The proposal - Wedding Series

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Wes's POV:

Today was it.

The day I'm gonna propose to my beautiful girlfriend. We flew back to St. Louis for the game and even visited her family. We were currently staying at a hotel close to her house because she didn't want to stay with her parents, for obvious reasons; even though we've been together for a while, her parents would still make me sleep on the couch while she slept in her room. We got dressed, her in a Yadier Molina jersey with a pair of shorts and converse, I in a Matt Carpenter jersey, even though I had no idea who that is, and a pair of shorts also. Once we had our bags packed, were dressed, and got our tickets ready; I also made sure I had the ring, it's kind of important. We walked out to my car, and made our way downtown.

Your jersey:

Your jersey:

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His jersey:

*skip car ride**still Wes's POV*

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*skip car ride*
*still Wes's POV*

We made it to the stadium and I drove to a parking area right next to it. Once I paid and parked, we walked up to the gates, hand-in-hand, talking about random stuff. We walked up to the gates, handing the person our tickets, and getting our bags checked. Once we were through, we decided to go get something to eat, as we only had breakfast at about 8 in the morning, and it's about 12 now. I got more and more nervous with each stop I took, knowing that before I knew it, I would be proposing. I took a deep breath and smiled at (Y/N). She smiled back and grabbed my hand, leaning up to kiss my lips.

"You ok, Wes? You seem off." I shook my head.

"Just tired and hungry. Let's hurry and find some food." She laughed as we finally made it to a food stand. I bought 2 hot dogs for us, and I paid as she went to put ketchup on it. Once I payed I walked over beside her and started putting stuff on my hot dog. After we were ready, we went to find our seats.

*at seats*

We were at our seats, our hot dogs gone, and the game has started. I had my hand in hers, resting both on her lap; I was big on PDA, but I figured kids would be around so I didn't want to put my hand on her thigh, as their parents would probably think it was 'too sexual for public.' She was so focused on the game, it was so cute; she looked so happy, and I will soon be making her the happiest girl ever.

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