Pray for Vegas

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If no one knows what happened, pretty much a gunman opened fire on a crowd of people at a concert in Las Vegas, from the Mandalay Bay Hotel, killing 59 and injuring over 500. I can't believe this has actually happened, the worst massacre in U.S. history, when the last one deemed as worst was only 16 months ago...

If anyone lives in Vegas, has family members living there, or has been affected by this horrible and sick tragedy, I pray for you, your family, your friends ❤️

I hope this event is the breaking point of the gun control debate, it should have been when Sandy Hook took place, but hopefully, this will change many people's minds on gun control.

I also wanted to share something I read on twitter. A stage or crew member of a band/singer, I can't remember and I can't find the tweets, said he fully supported the second amendment, until last night. He knew all of his fellow crew members all had guns, as Nevada is an open carry state, but he said they were all scared to use them, in fear of being targeted by the police, thinking that they were a part of the situation. Which is the problem. We don't need more guns, we need stricter gun laws, laws that will not allow anyone who does not fit the standards or background checks to have a gun. And I know most likely nothing will happen, which is really upsetting, but with all the attention being brought up with gun violence, all the past massacres and the stats of those, hopefully a bill or law will be placed.

No one has to agree with my views, this is just how I feel, please don't attack or hate me for what I believe in if it's not what you believe in. I am very skeptical talking about this bc its a very controversial topic, but I felt the need to bring some sort of attention to it, to honor the innocent victims targeted for no reason at all 

Stay Strong Vegas ❤️

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