Request for Zoya

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today's question is: what's your favorite type of music? and what's your favorite album/song right now?

i have so many favorites to be honest 😂 from pop to punk to classical. i love the new Pirates of Caribbean Soundtrack, that's probably weird but w/e 😂 and my favorite album at the moment is hopeless foundation kingdom 😍 also my favorite artist rn is Elvis 👌🏻

anyways, hope you enjoy this zoya_athar00 :)

Your POV:

I sat on a bench at the park I was supposed to be meeting my boyfriend at. He said he had something important to tell me, and I was kind of nervous. It had been 20 minutes since the time he said to meet him at, and my patience was starting to decline. I waited and waited, until it reached an hour. The sky boomed with a crack of thunder, signaling it was going to storm soon. I sighed and decided to wait; he has to come, he wouldn't lie to me. Five more minutes passed and it had now started to rain. But not just sprinkling rain, no, it poured; my clothes were soaked within seconds. My eyes started to water as I figured he stood on me up. Then, when I got up to leave, I saw him...with another girl. They were holding hands, smiling, and he kissed her cheek. My eyes watered even more, as I noticed they were walking towards me. I started to shake as I got even more nervous.

"Hey Zoya. So, um, I'm breaking up with you. I found someone else. I'm sorry." Before he could say anything else, I ran. I ran to my car and sat there for a few minutes, sobbing.

Why? Was I not good enough for him? Is it because I won't have sex with him? Is it because I'm boring and he wanted someone spontaneous? So many thoughts ran through my head as only one person came to mind


I didn't even call or text him first, knowing he was probably sitting at home watching Netflix. I started my car, giving one last look at my boyfriend, seeing he was staring at me with a sorrowful look. Bullshit. he didn't feel sorry one bit. He just felt sorry because he saw me crying, which he knows I do all the time, and he knows how I get when I do. He was always there for me when I cried, and he always calmed me down. It wasn't gonna be him this time. I backed out of the parking lot and made my way to Wes's house, which was conveniently only a few minutes away from the park. When I arrived, I parked in the driveway and slowly walked up the door. Knocking quietly, I hoped he would hear because I wasn't very enthusiastic at the moment. He did, and he opened the door. He looked exhausted, wiping his eyes from sleep, dressed in a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. I blushed at his look, but it was hidden by my red tear-stained cheeks. His smiling face turned into a frown as he saw the state I was in.

"Zoya, what's wrong?" He pulled me into his house and into a hug.

"H-he broke up with me." He huffed and just held me closer to him.

Wes's POV:

I held Zoya in my arms as she cried into my chest. Of course he did this, he always hurts her; yet she never sees it and goes back to him.

"I tell you this every time-" she cut me off.

"Yes i know! He hurt me, yet I always go back to him. But trust me, I'm definitely not going back to him now. He's hurt me one too many times. Just, please, I don't wanna talk about him right now. Can I take a shower?" I nodded and grabbed her hand, leading her up to the bathroom.

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