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ok I'm getting a lot of comments on some of the chapters in this about Wes being trans. Comments like "how can he have a d***" and shit like that when I wrote smut. Should I delete the chapter I had smut in? It was a part of the wedding series, on their honeymoon, but I also mentioned he has a baby, which I know is impossible, probably. I don't know what to do tbh. I honestly see him as just another guy, I don't see him as trans, but is it wrong to write stuff like that?? I need some opinions.

Delete the smut? I will never be writing smut again for this book, that was just a one time thing bc it was a part of the wedding series.


Keep them? Think of him as just another guy...?

UGHHH...if you have any other comments on this, please tell me. I don't want to upset anyone or offend anyone...or cause any more trouble (I guess lol)

Thank you!! 😊

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