Baby bump and first kick - Baby Series

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Your POV:

Today was mine and Wes's relax day; I didn't have classes or work, and Wes didn't have any meet ups or shows. We sat on the couch cuddled together, his arms around my waist and resting on my bump. My stomach has grommet very big in the past few months, as I am now about 5 months along. Wes was rubbing all over my stomach slowly, keeping his focus on the TV.

"Babe, when is he gonna move? I haven't felt a kick or a move yet."

"You have to be patient, Wes. They know he's in there, he's healthy, since the last time we got an ultrasound. They said he could not move until my third trimester, or he could start moving an time now. Just be patient, okay?" He sighed and nodded. He surprised me by moving from behind me, to lay down on the couch, pulling me to lay down as well. He sat between my legs, his face close to my bump; he does this almost every night, but it felt different at this moment for some reason. I felt that the baby knew who he was at this point, but he just wasn't moving yet. So, as Wes did every night, he faced my growing belly, placed his hands on the sides, and talked to the bump.

"Baby boy, I know you're in there. Can you show us that you're doing well, or that you know who I am?"

"You sound like you're talking to a ghost, Wes," I laughed and ran my fingers through his hair.

"I'm just trying to talk to my son, so please, excuse you." I rolled my eyes and stayed quiet, letting him do what he wanted.

"Baby, I love you so much, you have no idea. I seriously can't wait to hold you in my arms, to hold your tiny hand with my finger, to finally become a dad. Gosh, you and your mom mean the world to me. I can't believe you're actually in there, my own child. It's crazy, but we'll tell you about that when you get older. Can you please grow faster? I wanna meet you, we wanna meet you. We wanna be parents already." I scoffed and he looked up.

"Who says I'm excited to be a mom? I mean I am, but I'm scared at the same time. What if I'm a bad mom, or if he doesn't like me as much as he likes you? When you go on tour or away, he's gonna be stuck with me, and if he doesn't like me it's gonna be really hard. He's going to be crying and I won't be able to-"

"Hey, (Y/N), stop! You'll be an amazing mother, I know for sure. Don't doubt yourself. Our baby will love you just as much as he loves me, maybe even more because he's obviously not responding to me when I talk to him," he joked, calming me down. A few minutes of silence followed, Wes moving his attention from my stomach to the TV, I'm guessing giving up on trying to get the baby to move; his hands were still on the sides of my stomach.

Come on, baby boy. Please kick just one time, for Wes. He's so overjoyed that you're his son, and he's so anxious to feel you move. Please, one spin, one kick, one head movement, anything.

In that moment, as I was talking to the baby in my mind, I felt something hard press against my stomach. My eyes widened as I scrambled to grab Wes's hands, trying not to move in case the baby decided to move again. He looked up at me, shocked and confused. I smiled widely, placing his hand on the spot where the baby first kicked, and waited for another one.

"What's going on, (Y/N)? Is everything okay?"

"Shh, Wesley! Just wait," I whispered-yelled to him. We waited for a few seconds and then I felt another kick, I moved Wes's hand to the area, the baby continuing to kick. His eyes widened, his expression the same as mine when I first felt it.

"No fucking way! Holy shit!"

"Hey, no cussing. There's a baby in the room." He laughed and kept his hands on my stomach.

"I can't believe I just felt that. He kicked! He actually kicked, for the first time!" I didn't want to tell him it was actually the second time, as he wasn't paying attention when he first kicked.

"My son, is actually in there."

"Yes, we found that he's in there, are you surprised?" He rolled his eyes at my sassiness and pulled me to stand up. I wanna take a picture of you. So stand in front of the window and look at your belly." I did as I was told, and he took the picture; I didn't question him on what he was doing, I had an idea that he might post it on social media.

And that's exactly what he did.

okokalright: I'm so in love with them

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okokalright: I'm so in love with them. My son kicked for the first time today!! I'm so proud of (Y/N) for being so strong through this pregnancy, her morning sickness, sore back and feet, everything, she puts up with it, and I couldn't be more thankful for her ❤️

(Y/IG): I love you so much Wes, can't wait to meet our little guy!!

codyherbinko: he probably kicked bc he hates you

tuckerrrrrwesley: AWW HOW CUTE!! You two are relationship goals 😍😍😍

wesleyyyfinnn: so happy for you two ☺️☺️ can't wait to see him

sarahh_hawkinss: happy to become an aunt :)

Everyone was so positive, it made me so happy. I replied to many comments, only nice ones of course, and so did Wes.

"You're so amazing, (Y/N). I love you, and our unborn child."

"I love you too, Wes. We should start thinking of names." His eyes got very very wide, a huge smile making its way to his face. I giggled at his reaction as he repeatedly nodded.

"Lets start from A." 

This is going to take a while.

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