Planning - Wedding Series

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Wes's POV:

After I bought the ring, we headed home, Rose and Jason are driving themselves, to plan when and where I was gonna propose. I walked inside one we parked in the garage, and I sat down on the couch. I leaned back and waited for everyone to sit with me. Rose and Jason finally arrived, they sat down on either side of me, my mom sat in a reclining chair across from me, and Sarah sat on the floor in front of the coffee table, facing me.

"Ok, so when are you wanting to propose?" My mom asked. Everyone looked at me. I rubbed my hands together out of nervousness.

"Um, I've been thinking about doing it next week."

"Do you know where?" Jason asked. I thought about it.

"I can, like, take her out to dinner, or maybe even do it when we're just laying around. We can just lay in my bed and talk, and I can just do it." Both Sarah and my mom shook their heads.

"Do something surprising. Girls wanna be surprised. I mean, I'm pretty sure (Y/N) would appreciate the deep talk and laying in bed, but I feel like she would know somethings up. Or she would feel like you were breaking up with her," Sarah explained. I nodded. I suddenly got an idea.

"She loves baseball. I could take her to a game, say what I want to say to her, and then I can have the question up on the board, and then propose." I was happy with that. Everyone looked at me and smiled.

"But that's so cheesy, dude," I heard Jason say.

"I think it's cute. She does love baseball, and I think it would make her really happy. And let's be honest, going to dinner and proposing is probably the cheesiest thing a guy can do," Rose spoke up. I laughed and nodded.

"I think the baseball thing is cute. But you have to think about everything around you. You're gonna propose in front of about 44,000 people, compared to about 20 or 30 people at a restaurant. Are you okay with that?" My mom asked. I nodded and smiled.

"The only thing that will matter at that moment is her. I couldn't care less about the people around me." She nodded and smiled.

"I'm gonna go email the stadium and ask them if they could get in on this, and put the question up on the board. I'll be right back." I left the living room to go to my room and grabbed my laptop. I went to my email and started a new email to Busch Stadium (St. Louis Cardinals 😜🤘🏻). It read:

Dear Busch Stadium directors,

My name is Wesley Tucker, I'm 22 years old, and I live in Arizona. I'm currently planning on proposing to my girlfriend of 3 years, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), and I had the idea of bringing her to a game. I had the idea of proposing to her, while the question 'will you marry me?' is up on the monitor, in front of everyone. (Y/N) loves the Cardinals. She has been a fan since forever; she grew up going to games during the summer, and has gone to a game almost every season. I really think she would love this, and I was wondering if you guys would be able to help me with this. If so, please respond to this email or call me at (XXX)XXX-XXXX. Thank you so much if this is able to work. I appreciate it a lot.

Wesley Finn Tucker.

I sent it. Fuck I'm so nervous. If I don't get a respond, I'm gonna have to find a different way to ask her. Ugh. I turned my laptop off and set it aside, going back downstairs. I heard a voice that I was in love with; (Y/N) must've gotten back from her day with her family. I walked downstairs, trudging because of how tired I was, and saw my beautiful girlfriend talking with everyone. She saw me and smiled.

"Hey, Wes. You look so tired. Are you okay?" She asked worryingly.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just really tired. I've been writing parts of songs all day, and learning some new songs to play at PressPlay. How was your day with your family?"

"Tiring. They wanted to go to some desert place, where it's just a walk through a desert. And it was so hot! Then me and my cousins went shopping. It was nice seeing them and hanging out with them." I pulled her into a hug, my arms going around her shoulders, hers went around my waist. I looked up to see everyone looking at me, smiling. I pulled (Y/N) tighter into me as they took their phones out; I honestly wanted to see these pictures.

"Wes, are you seriously okay? I feel like something's wrong," she said into my chest. I smiled.

If only she knew what I had planned.

"Yeah. Like I said, I've just been working all day and I'm tired and stressed out. I think I'm gonna head upstairs and go to bed. You can stay down here and keep talking to everyone if you want." She hummed as we pulled away.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed, too. I'm really tired from walking around all day. I'll see you guys later," she said to everyone. They all said goodnight as she went up the stairs.

"I'll be up in a minute, babe. I'm just gonna grab something to drink really quick." She nodded and walked up to my room. I, however, walked over to my mom, Sarah, Rose, and Jason.

"Any pics you took of us, send to me. I wanna see them." They smiled and nodded, saying goodnight as I walked up the stairs. Once I reached my room, I saw (Y/N) was passed out on my side of the bed, wearing a black shirt, which was mine, and a pair of gym shorts, which were also mine; she looked so adorable and cute. By the quiet snores that were escaping her mouth, she was fast asleep. I decided to check my email, just in case I got a reply from Busch Stadium. To my surprise, I did get a reply.

Wow. That was quick.

I at least thought it would be a few days before I got a reply, not a few minutes. I started to read it:

Dear Wesley Tucker,

We have read your email regarding your proposal plans, and we would love to help you with this. Our plans would be that we will have Mike Shannon and John Rooney announce, at the game, that (Y/N) should look up at the screen, and we will put up the question by the time she looks up there. You can take as long as you need to say anything you would like to her, and to propose. I hope all goes well and we're looking forward to seeing you propose! See you soon.

If she/you guys would like, before the game, we can give you guys V.I.P access to hang out with the players and talk to them for a little. Reply to this email if you are interested! Thank you.

Busch Stadium, home of the St. Louis Cardinals.

YES! MY IDEA WORKED! IM PROPOSING TO (Y/N)! IT'S OFFICIAL! I tried to celebrate as much as I could without waking her up. I was beyond happy at the moment. Next week, we will fly to St. Louis, go to a Cardinals game, hang out with the team before the game, and then propose.

This is it. This is my life-changer.

I shut my laptop off, put it on the floor beside me, and laid down after stripping down to my boxers. I pulled (Y/N) into my chest, pulling her from my side of the bed. I smiled as she nuzzled her head into my neck and I ran my hands up and down her back. I kissed her head and fell asleep with my beautiful girlfriend and soon-to-be fiancée in my arms.

A/N: I just used the St. Louis Cardinals bc it's my home team 😜

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