Picking Names part 2 - Baby Series

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Your POV:

We decided to stop going though names for the night, as Wes was literally falling asleep while sitting up and my eyes were starting to droop. We laid in bed together, Wes's hand on my growing stomach, and his face buried in my neck.

*the next morning*

Your POV:

I woke up to the smell of bacon, something that I've grown used to since Wes and I have been married. I sat up slightly, catching Wes walk in at the same time.

"Morning, beautiful. I made you your favorite." He set the tray on my lap, sitting next to me as I started to eat.

"So are we going to continue with the baby names today? You don't have classes or work, and I don't have any events," he suggested when I was about halfway done eating. I nodded and grabbed my phone.

"We still have to go through this whole list of names. The name I wanted doesn't really sound good with the middle name, so we might have to change that, even though I love the name Cole," I admitted sadly, causing Wes to 'aw' at me.

"Let's just go through the list of first names, narrow them down, and we'll figure it out from there." We started to read the names off, going through the ones we didn't like the best, or that didn't go well with the middle name. After about half an hour or 45 minutes, we came to a final list.


• Aiden Cole Tucker

• August Cole Tucker

• Bentley Cole Tucker

• Jasper Cole Tucker

• Jude Cole Tucker

• Oliver Cole Tucker

• Xander Cole Tucker

• Reed Cole Tucker

"Okay, so from these names, I don't really like Jude. It doesn't go well with Cole," Wes commented after running through the names once more. I deleted that name.

"I don't like August." Deleted.

"Jasper is the one dude from Twilight, right?" Wes laughed, causing me to as well.

"Yes it is. I was just about to say. I like it, but I don't want our kid to be like that." Deleted.

"So that leaves Aiden Cole, Bentley Cole, Oliver Cole, Xander Cole, and Reed Cole." I thought the names over yet again, and ruled out Oliver and Aiden.

"Reed, Xander, and Bentley. Hmm." Wes was deep in thought when I felt a small kick from the baby. I groaned at the feeling, Wes's eyes immediately on my stomach. I giggled quietly as he started to rub it.

"What if we merge names? Like instead of having the middle name Cole, it's the first name, and vice versa." I started to merge the names we had, thinking of new middle names that went well with them.

Xander Michael...

Reed Watson...

Cole Graham...

Wes suddenly shot up, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"Xander Reed," was all he said. I honestly got chills when the name left his lips and I started to tear up.

"That's it. That's his name." I sobbed quietly. Stupid mood swings. He scooted closer to me and cuddled me to his chest, kissing my forehead while I cried softly. I felt another kick, followed by another, and another; he knew it was his name, and that proved that it's perfect.

"Hey Xander, buddy. You like your name?" I giggled through my tears, rubbing my stomach.

"Babe, I know how much you wanted the middle name to be Cole. You don't have to listen to my suggestion, okay? You're the one who's carrying our baby boy, it really should be you who chooses the name," he laughed quietly, hand on my stomach like always.

"Yeah, I did want it, but I love your suggestion. I got chills when you said it, and he started to move afterwards, so I know that's his name." He smiled and kissed me passionately.

"What if we name the next one one of the names we didn't choose with the middle name Cole?" I smirked.

"The next one?" His cheeks turned red and eyes panicky-looking.

"O-oh. It's fine, I j-just thought-"

"Wesley! I'm not mad, or opposed to it. I just didn't know you wanted to actually start a family now. I mean Xander was unplanned, and I thought we'd wait a few years before having another, at least until he's in kindergarten or first grade, maybe even second."

"Yeah. I'm not saying we have to have another one like a year after you have Xander, but I do want another baby, maybe two, in the future."

"Well then we can name the next one Bentley Cole. Because that's my second favorite name."

"Deal. I love you. And I love my baby Xander." I kissed his lips and he kissed my belly afterwards.

"Hey Xander. How are you today?" I felt a small kick to my stomach, causing me to smile.

"I can't wait to meet you, only three more months, baby boy." He talked to the baby for a couple more minutes, before we decided to go shopping, for us and for the baby.

Thanks to NaomiJones951 for the name suggestion!! ❤️

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