Telling the news - Wedding Series

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Wes's POV:

Once we got back to the hotel after the baseball game, it was really late so we just decided to go to sleep. The next morning, we woke up and went down to the café for breakfast.

"So are we gonna tell everyone today? Or should we wait a couple of days to just let this sink in?" She asked with a giggle, while we waited in line for breakfast. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Whatever you want, babe. We can go and visit your parents, grandparents, and other family members. Then, either we can tell my family and friends when we go back to Arizona or when we get back to the hotel we can FaceTime everyone. That sound good?" She nodded and smiled. We got what we wanted for breakfast then headed back up to our room.

*time skip*
*still Wes's POV*

Once we were dressed and had eaten, we walked to my car, then made our way to (Y/N)'s parents house. We parked and got out once we were there, and she just walked right in.

"Hello? Mom? Dad?" Her dad came up from the basement and her mom came downstairs.

"What? Oh hey (Y/N), Wes. What's up?"

"I just wanted to announce that were engaged. Wes proposed yesterday!" Her mom's jaw dropped and she came over to hug us. She congratulated us and so did her dad. We talked for about half an hour, everything regarding the wedding and planning. We said goodbye and then made our way to her grandma's, then her aunts and uncles and cousins, then her grandpa's. She decided she would just call her friends because after running around from house to house to tell everyone, she was tired.

*at the hotel*

Once I opened the hotel room door, (Y/N) walked over to our bed and collapsed; she looked so exhausted. I walked over to her and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Turn over." She gave me a confused look as I asked this.


"I'm gonna give you a massage. You seem so stressed and exhausted. I just wanna make you feel better." She smiled and flipped over. After she was comfortable I sat on the back of her thighs, and rolled her shirt up all the way to her shoulders; I unclipped her bra in the process.

We've been together for a while, this wasn't weird to either of us; I was doing this in a more sensual way other than sexual.

I started to rub the bottom of her back, and I heard her let out a content sigh. I smiled.

"Just relax, baby, okay? I'll call my family and friends when I'm done. Just enjoy this right now. Think about what we're gonna do on our wedding night, on our honeymoon, and what we're gonna do when we get back and finally start our lives together." She let out another sigh along with a small laugh. I continued to rub her back, slowly making my way up her back and to her shoulders. Once I reached her shoulders, I stopped and just ran my fingertips over her back.

"Ok, babe. Do you feel better?" I asked quietly. She didn't respond.


I looked at her face that was facing the window, and she was fast asleep; little snores escaped her lips also. I smiled and climbed off of her, rolling her shirt back down, and slowly, making sure I didn't wake her, took her bra off. I know she hates wearing a bra to sleep. I got up and changed into a pair of plaid pajama pants and a white shirt. I grabbed my phone and sat beside (Y/N), continuing to rub her back. I facetimed my mom first, and she happened to be with Sarah.

"Hey guys," I tried to say quietly.

"Sorry, but (Y/N) fell asleep and I don't want to wake her. She's had a long day. Anyways, I just wanna say we're engaged!" They immediately started freaking out and congratulating me. I smiled and thanked them. I didn't talk with them long, as they were going out to dinner, so I said bye and hung up. I called Rosemary and Jason next, and they both were so happy. I also broke the news to Jason about being in the wedding. While I was facetiming him, I brought it up.

"Hey, I have a question to ask?" I asked after we stopped laughing at some stupid joke.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Would you be my best man? I don't think I would want anyone else besides you to be standing right next to me when I marry the girl I love."

He smiled.

"Of course I will. Remember when we ran into each other at the mall when you were buying the ring. I said if she says yes, I'll take up on the chance of being best man?" I laughed.

"Yeah I do."

"Well, she said yes, so I'll take the chance. Thank you, man. It really means a lot."

"Thank you. You're really one of my only guy best friends, besides the guys from PressPlay, so I don't see why you wouldn't be."

"Haha yeah. So who all is gonna be the groomsmen?"

"Um, I was thinking all the guys from PressPlay," I laughed. "Like I said, you and them are really my only guy friends. I want all of you to be there. I've been thinking over our wedding ever since I wanted to marry her; I planned who is gonna be the groomsmen." He smiled and nodded.

"Well, I gotta go, I'm going to dinner with my mom. I'll talk to you later, Wes. And I'm really happy for you, bro. I'm happy you're finally settling down, and with (Y/N), she's a good girl for you."

"Thank you, Jase. Alright, bye." We hung up and I turned to (Y/N), who was still sleeping. I rubbed up her spine, and a shiver ran through her body. I smiled; even when she's sleeping, she still gets chills from my touch. I looked at my phone, realizing it was about 10:00 at night, so I decided it would just go to sleep early. I stripped down to my boxers and crawled under the covers. I quickly fell asleep, forgetting (Y/N) wasn't dressed comfortably and not under the covers.

Your POV:

You woke up, face down on your hotel bed. You felt you didn't have a bra on, but looked over to see Wes stroking your back, but he was asleep; you remember that you fell asleep while he was massaging you, and he must've taken your bra off. You smiled and sat up, his hand dropping from your back. You picked up your phone to see it was 10:30.

Wow. I slept for a long time.

You decided to call your friends, as they never seem to sleep, and tell them the news. You called your best friend first.

"Hey (Y/N). What's up? Is something wrong?"

You laughed.

"No. I just woke up from a nap and I remembered I forgot today call everyone. But I have some news to tell you. Me and Wes are engaged!" She screamed and you laughed at her.

"No way! Oh my gosh! How did he propose? Where? When?" She threw a bunch of questions at you, and you answered them happily. She squealed with happiness.

"And I have a question to ask you."


"Would you like to be my maid of honor?"

"What?!? OF COURSE I WILL!" She screamed again. We talked for a little more, then you called all of your other friends. You told everyone else who you wanted to be in the wedding; your sister, Sarah, one of your cousins, and another one of your friends. Everyone was so happy for you, and you were happy that they all agreed to be there with you on your special day. Once you called everyone, it was now about 11:15, and you were beyond tired. You got up and put on one of Wes's shirts, and took your pants off. You then slipped under the covers and scooted into Wes, lifting his arm and putting it over you, so you were now in your arms.

"I love you Wesley Finn Tucker. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," you whispered, kissing his chest, the only place you could reach. You fell fast asleep to the sound of his soft breaths and quiet heartbeat.

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