He has a girlfriend (part 1)

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Your POV:

I had been friends with Wes since forever, and over the past couple of years, I started to develop a crush on him. There was one problem; he recently got a girlfriend. Apparently they met at a PressPlay event, and he was really interested in her. He asked her on a date, he really enjoyed it, asked her on another date, then another, then another, and after a few weeks, he asked her to be his girlfriend. Of course she said yes, because who wouldn't want to date him. I mean he's perfect.

I just need to get over him, it should be easy, but it's not. Not when you spend a lot of time together and you can't get the thoughts of wanting to kiss him out of your head. Today was no different than any other day; I was at his house watching Tv with him because I was bored at mine. Except he wasn't watching it; he was focused on his phone the whole time. I would hear him laugh or giggle from beside me, then hear him type away. I automatically knew he was texting his girlfriend, Ashley (random name). I sighed and looked down, kind of disappointed he was with her. Yeah, I am happy that he is finally in a relationship, but I'm sad that it's not me.

If I had just told him I liked him before he met Ashley, I would be in her position right now.

I continued to watch TV and try to ignore Wes's laughter. After a while I got fed up with it and I decided to leave.

"I think I'm gonna go home, Wes. I'll see you later," I said while standing up and grabbing my stuff.

"What? Why? I thought we were having fun together?"

"It's not fun when I'm watching TV alone while you're texting Ashley and not even paying an ounce of attention to me. I mean, I don't wanna beg for attention, but it would at least be nice if I could at least talk to you for a little. Ever since I got here you've said maybe 3 sentences to me. I glad you're happy with Ashley, but just because you get a girlfriend doesn't give you the right to just push me out of your life. I get that you probably want to spend more time with her more than me, as you've put up with me for so many years. I'm sorry."

"(Y/N), wait, don't you dare leave!" He yelled grabbing my wrist before I could turn the door knob.

"I could never get tired of hanging out with you, ever. I'm sorry I've been texting Ashley all day, but she was gone for a week on a camping trip and didn't have her phone, she just got back today, so I was talking to her. Just stay, please. I'll tell her I'm busy, and we'll watch TV together and I'll even order a pizza. Just, please stay." I looked at the ground in sadness, knowing that I'll never be able to be with him as more than friends.

"I really want to but I have some things to think about. I'm sorry, Wes. But I just need some time, away from you."

"Wait, time away from me?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?! I told you I wouldn't text Ashley anymore while you're here. You're just blowing this way out of proportion!!"

"I am not blowing this out of proportion! If you were in my position you would understand. But you're not! You won't ever be! You know why?! Because I know you don't like me. Okay? I like you. Hell I love you. And I mean both of those in a more than friends type-of-way. I wanna be your girlfriend, Wes. I wanna be in Ashley's position. And I know it'll never happen. I'm sorry I'm just now telling you this, when you have a girlfriend and you're happy with her. But I just need time to myself and to try and get over you. I'm gonna go now. I'll see you later. Bye Wes." I slowly walked out of his house and to my car, driving home.

Wes's POV:

What just happened? One second I was happily texting my girlfriend, hanging out with my best friend, and the next second (Y/N) is yelling at me because I wasn't paying attention to her. But I understand; I really wasn't paying attention to her. I got caught up in texting Ashley. And now I possibly lost my best friend.

I sat on my couch, just thinking. Do I have feelings for (Y/N)? Did I make a wrong choice asking out Ashley?

Fuck now I'm confused about everything now.

Yeah, a part of me does like (Y/N). But I also like Ashley.

Ugh. I don't know what do to.

I sat on my couch for about 20 minutes, thinking my choices over, and finally decided what to do. I picked my phone up and started texting her.

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