Epilogue/Important A/N

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This is very very late, but this is the epilogue and LAST chapter to the Wedding Series. I was in my feels and started to imagine it, and I just wrote it 😂 and a quick note before, yes I know Wes is trans, idk if he's had a surgery, but I look past the fact that he is, and I just see him as a regular guy :)


Your POV:

Life with Wes has been amazing. We moved into the apartment we got in Chicago; we moved in a couple weeks after we got approved for it. We got all new couches, a new mattress and bed frame, new TV's, new everything The view we had was beautiful, we could see the lake and the city, it was perfect.

Marriage has been treating us well. We've had a few fights over small things, but then a few hours after being apart from each other, either one of our, whoever's fault it was, would apologize, and we would make up. Almost every day, either when I didn't have to go to school or work, and he wasn't at events, we explored the city, spending a few days shopping, then going down to Navy Pier, going up to the Sky Deck, and aquarium, and zoo. Everything was great.

Until one morning. I started to feel sick, and I questioned what I ate the day before. Was the meat I had for dinner the night before not cooked enough or something? I sat in the bathroom, waiting for another wave of sickness to hit me. I heard the door open and Wes peep his head through.

"Are you feeling any better, babe?" I shook my head, instantly regretting that action as my stomach churned and I hurled into the toilet. Wes was rubbing my back as I finished, wiping my mouth with a piece of toilet paper and tossing it into the toilet.

"What do you think it is? Was it the meat at the restaurant last night?"

"I think s-" I froze. Oh my gosh. How could we be so stupid?!

"That one night a few weeks ago, we had sex. I think we forgot protection." His eyes widened.

"Oh, um, okay. Wow, that's a lot to take in. Um, do you want me to go get some tests?" He asked nervously. I nodded and stood up, feeling a little better than I had been all morning. He got dressed and left, after pressing a long and soft kiss to my forehead. I sat on the couch and waited for him. I fiddled with my hands the whole time, my mind racing.

Were we too young to have a child? We just got married about less than a month ago.

Does he want a kid? Am I going to have to quit my job and drop out of college? Okay, that's probably a little dramatic. Suddenly, the door opened and Wes walked in with a Walgreens bag in his hand. He looked agitated, stressed, everything. I knew this was probably stressing him out so much, as it wasn't planned.

"I, um, ran into some fans while I was in the store. I told them that you probably just have a stomach bug or food poisoning or something. We were just getting these in case, and just to have them around. They seemed to buy it, except for one. I hope she won't say anything. But, here. I got a few different brands just to be 100% sure." I took the bag from his hands, sighing and looking into it. I set it down and walked over to Wes. I wrapped my arms around his neck, starting to cry a little.

"Wes? Are we too young to have a baby? We just got married and I know you wanted to wait, and-"

"Hey, we may be young, but I don't think we're not fit to be parents. Yeah, this is unexpected, if you happen to be pregnant, but I think we'll be great parents. We have an extra room that can be for the nursery, you have a job that puts money into our bank, I have singing and PressPlay, we can financially support a baby, (Y/N). And I love you so much, and I'm gonna love this baby more than anything."

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