Marry you

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im back!! been having trouble writing and have a lot of stuff going on with school. anyways, i'll try and write more for this book soon, but at the moment, I have finals coming up, then I'm out for winter break. requests are still open btw!!

question for the day: what did you ask for for Christmas?

I asked for stuff like fuzzy socks, a bUNCH of shark things 😂, a claddagh ring, pretty much just a bunch of things I found on amazon 😂

Your POV:

"I want to marry you." These five words were spoken when Wes and I were dancing at a friend's wedding. His hands on my waist, mine on his shoulders, our heads resting on each others, dancing to a slow song.

The night was going perfect. We had sat through the beautiful reception, watching both of our friends become a married couple. Lily and her new husband Mike both looked amazing, Lily's dress was strapless and an off-white, with lace all over, as well as beads.

The reception was just as beautiful, their colors were gold and purple, decorations littered the walls and tables, purple flowers and mason jars with lights were placed in the middle of each table as center pieces. All in all, everything was beautiful.

Wes and I sat together at our table, with Rosemary and a few of our other friends from back home. He held my hand under the table as we watched Lily and Mike make speeches, as well as their wedding party. After the food was served, everyone at the table decided to get up and dance; I honestly wasn't feeling up for it.

The truth is, watching my friend get married at the same age as me makes me realize how far from marriage I really am. Yes, Wes and I are dating, but we've only been dating for a little over a year. I want to at least be dating for about three years, just to make sure he's the one I want to be with.

Wes must've noticed I was feeling down because he stayed behind as well.

"(Y/N), are you feeling alright?" He grabbed my hand, placing a small kiss on my knuckles. I nodded softly and made up something on the spot.

"Just not feeling well. I think I ate too much."

"What's the real reason, babe?" I sighed, defeated, knowing he wasn't going to let it go until he found out the real reason.

"Just seeing Lily and Mike getting married at the same age we are makes me realize how far from marriage I am. I know we're dating, but we just started dating a little over a year ago. And you know how I feel about wanting to be with someone for a certain amount of time before I know that they're the one," I confessed to my boyfriend. He sat there stunned, not knowing what to say.

"You don't have to say anything, Wes. I know that's probably a lot to take in, but that's just how I feel right now."

"I love you, baby girl. I do, and I promise to stay with you, until you either feel like I'm the one, or I'm not. I'll be here, okay?" He pulled me closer to him and placed a soft kiss to my lips.

"You wanna dance now?" I nodded and smiled softly, standing up with him. We danced for about half an hour before we decided to take a break and get some desserts. There was a giant dessert table filled with cheesecake, candies, cakes, cupcakes, a chocolate fountain, and even an ice cream bar.

Back at our table, we started to stuff our faces with every dessert we had on our plate. I shoved some of Wes's cheesecake on his cheek as a joke, causing me to laugh so hard I almost fell out of my chair.

"Why, baby girl? What was the reason for that?" He laughed while cleaning his face off. I shrugged rubbed his shoulder. We sat and talked for a while, just enjoying each other's presence and the music.

Wes Tucker imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now