Hospital and Home - Baby Series

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Wes's POV:

I was woken up by a knock on the door of our room, seeing it was the nurse with my baby boy. My face lit up when I saw him in the tiny crib as I let her in.

"Hey, how are you two doing?" She whispered, seeing that (Y/N) was still asleep.

"Great. She's been resting, she woke up a couple hours ago to eat, but now she's back asleep. I fell asleep for a while. I know she's still in pain, though."

"That was my next question. Is she experiencing any aching in her breasts or lower abdomen?"

"She did say her breasts felt heavy, and she did tell me that 'down there' is still sore."

"Okay. Both are completely normal, just wondering. How long has she slept for? I was hoping to try to breastfeed."

She just fell back asleep. We talked a little when she was done eating, but in the middle of talking she passed out."

"Well then we'll try later. By for now." She left the room quietly. I finally had my son again. I don't know why they took him away for so long. Maybe to give us time to rest...I don't know. Walking to his little bassinet, I picked him up to see that he was already awake. My smile widened even more.

"Hey bud! I'm so happy I can finally hold you again. Well, your mommy' sleeping, so lets have a little talk. I'll start off by saying I love you so much. I'll always love you, so don't worry. I'll love you no matter who you like, what you feel like, what you decide to do with your life. Okay? Gosh, I just can't believe I have a son now. I've been waiting for this my while life. I remember when your mom told me she was pregnant with you. I was scared, yet so happy.

Everything I wrote deleted!!!!! I'm so pissed rn. I really don't feel like rewriting it at the moment, so when I do, the rest of the chapter will be up. I'm so sorry I just noticed this 😭

Wes Tucker imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now