Movie Night

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Your POV:

I didn't have to work tonight, thankfully, since it was about 35 degrees out and my job required me to go outside. I decided to spend the night laying under a quilt in my pajamas and fuzzy socks, with hot chocolate and have a movie night. I invited my boyfriend Wes over, and he said he would love to hang out tonight. I was dressed in plaid pajama pants with a t-shirt, my favorite pair of fuzzy socks, movies picked out, and hot chocolate waiting to be made. When Wes got here, he walked right in, which I told him to do, and greeted me with a hug.

"So, you didn't have to work tonight?" I shook my head, looking up at him.

"I'm happy because it's like below 40. I like winter, but when it's snowing. I'm gonna make the hot chocolate, go choose a movie to watch first." He gave me a quick kiss before disappearing into the living room. I poured some milk into two cups, heating them up separately, then pouring in the mix. Once they were done, I added a couple Hershey's kisses to mine, and brought them to the living room, where Wes sat with the movie The Breakfast Club in his hands. I set his mug down as he got up to put the movie on. He sat back down, threw a blanket over us, and played the movie. We continued to drink our hot chocolate and watch the movie.

"What if we were put into detention together like them? What would happen?"

"Um, I don't know. That's a good question. It would honestly be boring as hell. I mean it's just the two of us."

"You're probably right. But when the principal goes away we can make out, all we want."

"But what if he randomly walks in? And making out with you definitely leads to something else, so how about now." We both laughed and he agreed to my statement.

"Okay, that may be true, but we can still do it. I can control myself, (Y/N)."

"Sure you can, Wesley. Remember that one time we went over to visit your mom and sister and we were in your room, and you convinced me to make out with you, saying no one was gonna walk in because they were busy and your door was locked, but it really wasn't?"

"Oh yeah," he looked up, remembering the very embarrassing moment.

"Quit being so happy about it! Your mom (lol) caught us with your hands on my ass!"

"Okay but you weren't complaining in that moment!"

"I was when we got caught! Just admit it, Wes, you can't control yourself." He huffed, rolling his eyes as well.

"Fiiiinne. I can't control myself, sometimes." I laughed at him and kissed his cheek.

"Lets go back to watching the movie, okay?"

"No. Now you have me all distracted and I can't focus back on the movie. So, do you wanna make out?"

"If I say yes will you shut up for the rest of the night?"

"Can't make promises that I won't shut up for the rest of the night, but I can when you don't want me to bother you," he negotiated.

"Okay." I stopped the movie and turned Pandora on instead. All while I was trying to find a station to listen to, Wes was kissing all along my neck; I could tell he wanted more, and honestly, I didn't mind at the moment. I finally found our favorite station to make out to and played it. Not even a second after I set the remote down, Wes pushed me to lay down on the couch, hovering over me as he finally kissed my lips. He groaned at the feeling, causing me to also. We continued to make out, the music playing in the background, as Wes started to tug at my shirt. I sighed, now fully knowing what he wanted. In this moment, I did want to go farther with him; he was turning me on so bad. I pulled away for a second to take my shirt off, leaving me half naked, as I didn't have a bra on. Wes smirked at me and went to kiss my chest, pressing kisses to one of my breasts. He started to suck and nip at the skin, creating small hickeys on my neck and boobs. He slowly made his way down to the hem of my pants.

And you know where it went from there.


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