Chapter 1

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Raphael was running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop at a breakneck speed, at least 20 Foot ninja on his heels. He had once again picked a fight he couldn't win and was desperately trying to loose the enemy clan in the curtain of rain.
'I'm going to get so much shit from Leo when I get back.' Raph thought while dodging flying knifes, getting nicked by one. 'IF I get back.' His brothers were back in the lair, even if he called them now, they'd only be in time to see his execution. No, he was alone on this one. Not the first time he was in a tough spot, he'd make it out, he just needed a place to hide.

Raphael wasn't exactly happy running like a coward and vowed next time he'd give the Foot three times as much hell they were giving him now. But the Shredder goonies got a few lucky shots on him (most likely due to sheer numbers, not skill) and he started to get a bit woozy from the loss of blood.
Dodging and kicking some ninja that tried cutting him off, Raphael lost his footing (ha) and went sliding down a diagonal roof, slick with rain.

Raphael fell freely through the sky for about a second or two before he managed to grab onto a flagpole and sling himself toward the building. Thanking whatever deity came to mind for small miracles, Raphael didn't smack head first into a brick wall and instead flew through an open window into a bedroom. Immediately concealing himself in the shadows of the room he waited with bated breath if he lost the Foot clan. Now he wasn't in immediate danger anymore, the adrenaline in his body began to fade and he started to feel the wounds and his exhaustion. 'Pain only in the mind.' He reminded himself while he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again he found himself staring into another pair. 'Stupid! I didn't check the room! Beginners mistake! Beyond Mikey STUPID! If she screams we're dead.' Raphael beat himself up in his mind while staying completely still, unable to do anything but hope the girl wouldn't cry out. After a few silent moments Raphael's decided to get to the window and disappear in the night, but when he moved his body screamed in protest and his vision became blurry.

"Ohmygod you're hurt."

The girls soft voice pierced the silence bringing Raphael back from his haze.

"Wait. Don't move. Be right back." She whisper/shouted before running out of the room.

'What's she planning?' Raphael thought. 'Maybe she'll take a picture or something to show her buddies the freak that crashed in her room.'

As quickly as the girl had ran out she ran back in with a box and towel in her arms.

It was a natural response to flinch away from her touch. It didn't mean he was scared. But the girls voice was soft and soothing like she was talking to a trapped deer she didn't want to freak out. Maybe that was how she saw him, an hurt animal. Raphael would never admit it, but for some reason, her voice calmed him down and he visibly relaxed. The girl took that as her cue and started disinfecting the wounds. She worked quietly and concentrated, murmuring an apology whenever he whined in pain.

Raphael never took his eyes off her. Because he didn't trust her, he told himself. He didn't even realise she was done until she looked him straight in his eyes, and motioned towards her bed.

"You can stay here, at least for tonight."

Raph didn't know whenether he should stay or not. Now the Foot was gone, he could call his brothers to come pick him up. But on the other hand, he didn't feel like dealing with Leonardo right now and his mind was already pulling him to sleep. Letting his exhaustion win over, Raphael scrambled back on his feet. The girl was at his side in seconds, draping an arm over her shoulder to hold him up and letting him lead them to the bed where she ('Seriously?!') tucked him in. He'd have a few choice words for her about that in the morning.

"I'll be in the living room if you need me." The girl called out before shutting the door.

It didn't take long for Raphael to fall in a restless slumber.

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