Chapter 6

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"--And then Raph and I kinda started hanging out. But how would the Foot know about me? Did they see him and me chilling or something?" Leonardo had escorted you back to your place after the Foot attack he had saved you from. The two of you are sitting on the couch with you just finishing your story.

"Hmm perhaps. But if that is the case, it isn't safe for you to be here."

"I can crash at a buddies place until it's more clear if the Foot are looking for me, or if it was a random attack."

"No." Leo said. "You can stay at ours. It's better if we don't mix more people up in this mess, and we can guarantee your safety this way."

"Are you sure? I mean, I know you're not supposed to talk to humans, let alone bring them to your home... And I don't want to be a bother."

"What's done is done. Raphael seems to trust you, and that isn't easily earned mind you, so I've decided to trust you as well. A friend is never a bother."

"Okay, lemme get some stuff...And call ahead. I'm pretty sure Raph will kill me if I just showed up." You said smiling. Truth is, you're thankful for Leonardo's offer. You are still a bit shaken up by the whole ordeal and don't want to be alone. And Leo called you his friend, even though you had just met. You knew Raph for more than 3 weeks now, and he hadn't called you his friend. Then again, that isn't really his style. You walk in your room, grab a bag and start shoving some stuff you'd need for a couple of days in it. While you do that you grab your phone, put it on speaker, dial Raph's number and put the phone on your bed so you can continue packing.

"Yeah?" Raphael's gruff voice sounds through the speakers after a few rings.

"Heya Raph." You call out. "So guess what? You've been gone for about 5 minutes and I landed myself in a heap of shit labelled trouble."

"Are you alright? Do I have to come over? Tell me who needs a knuckle sandwich."

"Wow, raph actually sounds concerned. Didn't think I'd see the day." Leo says in disbelieve from the door to your room.

"Who's with ya?" Raph asked.

"I'm okay, no one needs a "Knuckle sandwich", not right now anyway... And actually, I'm the one that's coming over." You say.


"Yeah...I'll tell you what happened in a bit, but Leo is with me-"

Raphael cuts you off. "What?! The hell is fearless doing there!? Leo! You better not hurt her or so help me-"

Leo walks towards the bed to the phone.
"I won't hurt her Raph. We'll meet you at the lair and then we can talk about it. And why you decided to keep this a secret from us." He picks up your phone and hangs up before the angry ranting can start. Then Leo turns to you. "Are you ready?"

You heave your backpack on your shoulders. "Jup, lets go!" You say with a smile. You were exited to meet the rest of Raphael's family. While you walk you are thinking about the stories Raphael had told you about his family and friends;
'Donatello (The nerd), Michaelangelo (The annoying one), Master Splinter (His father), April, Raph's buddy Casey, and Leonardo...'

You flick your eyes up to the blue clad turtle. 'Hard ass, mr-know-it-all, teachers pet... Fearless leader.' Of everyone, Raph has talked most about his older brother. You aren't sure if Raphael loathes or loves and respects his brother. Perhaps it's an odd combination only Raph is capable off.

You are so deep in thought that you hardly noticed Leo and you were going down into the sewers. You decide to make some small talk.

"The sewers huh, so the stories are true."

"Stories? From who?" Leo raised his brow questioningly.

"Y'know, just sewer workers who have seen something... unnatural." You wiggle your fingers in a spooky way. "Giant alligators, fish with two heads, and spooky things lurking in the shadows!" You exclaim.

"Hahaha, you sound like Mikey."

"Oeeh, I bet Raph would love that." You stated sarcastic.

"Hey, what did Raph tell you about us?" Leo asks.

"Don't worry, it wasn't all bad. I'll give you a fair chance... Leotardo." You giggle.

"Well that's reassuring, but thanks...HEY!"

Leonardo and you continued chatting until you arrived at the Lair. For a first impression, you think Leo is pretty nice.

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