Chapter 2

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The next morning (afternoon) Raphael wakes up in an unfamiliar bed. Staring at the ceiling, it takes him a moment to remember what had happened the previous night. Right, he got his shell handed to him and let himself be seen by a random human. Whom he needed to find and convince (Ahem intimidate) to stay quiet. With his new mission in mind Raphael got out of the bed with fair ease. Seems like most of his wounds had already started to heal thanks to the mutagen in his blood.
When he opened the door the smell of freshly baked goods invaded his nostrils.

Following his nose to the kitchen he found the girl from last night cooking and swaying to some music in the background.
Leaning against the doorpost leading to the kitchen Raphael cleared his throat before looking at the heaps of food surrounding her.

You turn around to see the red clad turtle standing in the kitchen doorway eyeing the overabundance of food you had made.

"Ah, you're awake!" You greet him with a kind smile. "I didn't know what you liked, so I made a bit of everything." You look at the mountain of food on the kitchen table. "I went a bit overboard didn't I? Haha." You sheepishly rub the back of your neck. "Ah! I forgot to introduce myself last night, I'm (Y/n). Please, sit, eat."

The turtle looks at you warily for a moment before sitting down and pushing a stack of pancakes on a plate.

"Raphael." The turtle said while dowsing his pancakes in a generous amount of syrup before shovelling them in his mouth.

"So he speaks." You give Raphael a wide smile. "Coffee?"

Raph grunts in response. You take it as a yes.

The two of you eat mostly in silence. You don't really know what to say to Raphael (meeting new people was always a bit awkward) and you have so many questions. Like how did he get hurt? Is he safe? Are you? And how is a giant turtle stuffing five cinnamon rolls in his mouth?
"Y'know, the food won't run away." You say, slightly amused at the scene in front of you.

"Mhmf gof mhflimf." Raph responds.

"Clear your mouth before you talk." You kindly suggest.

"I got siblings." Raphael answers after a moment.

"Ah, that explains it."

Raphael was too busy shoving food in his face to ask for an elaboration so he opted for shooting a questioning gaze your way.

"I have an older brother, it was war at the dinner table nearly every day. He's great though. What about you?"

"Three brothers." Raphael holds up his hand. "Two younger, one older than me. They're a pain in the shell."
You now notice his brooklyn accent better, and was that- "Pfff.."
You clamp a hand on your mouth vainly trying to hold in your laugh. "Seriously, that pun? That is sooo bad."

"I was just tryin ta be polite. Not swear." Raphael admits a bit embarrassed.

"Politeness be damned, you just be you. Which begs the question... What's with the look? Were you bitten by a radioactive terrapin or what?" You leaned your elbow on the table, your chin in your palm, an interested look on your face.

"I've always been a turtle." Raphael explains how the mutagen transformed him, his brothers and his master into how he is today. How his master trained them all in the art of ninjitsu and, when you asked, he also told you what had happened the night before.

"Ninja's in New York, who would've guessed. You're sure those eh, Foot ninja didn't see you get in here right?"

"Lady if they had, we'd be pushin up daisies by now." Raph drags his finger across his throat to emphasize his words.

"Jeez, this is like getting mixed up in some mafia type thing. I'll be sure to be extra careful, just in case." You started on a mental list of safety precautions you could take.

"Yeah, you do that. And don't tell anyone you've seen me, understand?" Raphael said in a threatening tone.

"Like anyone would believe me." You say sceptically before answering him more serious. "I promise I won't tell a soul."

"Good." Raph nodded. "Say, you seem awfully calm for someone with a giant talking turtle in their kitchen. Ain'tcha freaked out by any of this?"

"I had plenty of time to freak out earlier today when you were asleep... And I internalize." You admit.

"That ain't healthy."

You shrug. "Better than running around like a headless chicken. I'll get over it."

"Point taken.." Just then Raph's shell cell went off.

"Huh, I figured it was busted." Raphael says looking at the heavily damaged, but ringing, electronic in his hand, before picking up. "Raph here."

You decide not to listen in on the conversation and instead busy yourself with doing the dishes.

After a few minutes Raphael hangs up and walks back into the kitchen.
"My bro's are wondering where I am, so uuh.. I have to go, Yeah.."

"Wait, take these with you." You hand him a couple of bagged containers with leftovers in them. Raphael takes them gratefully. "Are you going to be okay?" You ask a bit worried. Although you haven't known him for more than a few hours, something in you wants to see him safe. Common courtesy, you tell yourself.

"I'm fine. Worry about yer own, lady." Raphael began crawling out of a window, but stops halfway and looks at you over his shoulder. Once again his eyes capture yours.
"And uuh... Thanks. For saving my life 'n stuff." Raphael said before disappearing.

For a moment all you did was stare at the open window before snapping out of it. You walk over to the window and look at the slowly darkening streets for a bit.

"Well, that sure made it into my top three weirdest nights." You say before closing the window. You walk towards the kitchen with the intent of cleaning up the rest of the mess you'd made, when a note on the dinner table catches your eye. You examine the note. There's a number and some text messily scrawled on it; 'Don't spam me.'
You smile. You definitely want to talk to the mystery turtle again. But not today. With all the excitement you hadn't gotten any sleep at all, and it was high time for a long shower and a longer nap.

In the sewers on his way to the lair, Raphael decided to loose most of the bandages. He didn't want to worry his brothers and sensei more than he needed to.
When Raphael walks into the lair he is greeted by Michelangelo.
"Heya Raph! Wow bro, you okay? You look like you got your shell kicked!"

"Shut it Mikey." Raphael shoved the plastic bags into his youngest brothers arms, who immediately starts to unpack the containers.

"Whoah, where'd you get the goodies?" Mikey asked while stuffing his face.
Before Raph can answer master Splinter walks up to him, Leo and Donnie in tow.

"My son, where have you been?"

"I uuh, got in some trouble with the Foot, had to lay low."

Raphael proceeded to tell the others what had happened. He decided to leave Y/n out of his story, he didn't want to get punished for letting himself be seen.

Master Splinter knew Raphael was hiding something, but decided to let it go. For now.

After Raphael dropped off his busted shell cell with Donnie (and gotten chewed out for breaking the precious electronic), he retreated back in his room and flopped down on his bed. Immediately his thoughts started to wander towards Y/n. She hadn't screamed, in stead helped him. Even while the girl admitted it was all a bit weird, it seemed like she wasn't afraid of him, and talked to him normally. Now Raph could only hope that she'll keep her promise to not tell anyone about him. With Y/n in his thoughts he fell asleep.

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