Chapter 8

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You wake up the next morning with a new mission in mind. If you were going to stay here, you might as well repay the turtles and rat's generosity by doing some domestic chores. The Lair looks like it could use a woman's touch. So you quickly do your morning routine and dress in clothes you can dirty. Then you head to the kitchen.

First you make breakfast. This time the mountain of food you had once again conjured up is warranted, since Mikey's stomach, you quickly learn, is a black hole capable of sucking up all the freshly baked goods you set in reach of the youngest turtle.
Even though there is more than enough for everyone, the only one's not fighting are master Splinter and Leo (Donnie tried to stay out of it as well but Mikey started throwing stuff at the poor guy). Even you got sucked up in the food battle.
By the end the kitchen and dining table look like a literal war zone, but the boys are full and happy.

'Whelp. The kitchen is good as place as any to start my cleaning spree.' You think. You roll up you sleeves, put some music on and get to work while the boys are training.

After a few hours you have moved your self appointed task from the kitchen and dining room to the living and television room.

By the time you were almost done with the area you had lost count of how many candy bar wrappers, chips bags, soda bottles, cans and other random snack wrappers or boxes you had found hidden all over the place. (Almost 2 fucking garbage bags full!)

"Michelangelo." You mumble threateningly when you pull out a third coca cola bottle out of the couch cushions. How does he even hide these things in here?!

You were so lost in your own mind cursing Mikey for being such a slob that you hadn't noticed the boys were finished with their morning exercises and Raphael was now walking your way.

Your earbuds suddenly got pulled out and you hear an angry Raph; "Jo cleanfreak!"

"H-huh?" You turn around.

"I was callin ya."

"Oh hey Raph! Sorry, earbuds." You say cheerfully.

"What are ya doin?" He crosses his arms.

"I'm cleaning, duh." You reply.

"No shit, but why?" Raph pulls up his brow in a questioning way.

"Because this place is a mess and I want to. And also to thank you guys."

"Thank us? For what?"

"For letting me crash here and stuff."

Raphs eyes narrow. "How can you thank us for that when we're the reason you're in this mess in the first place!" His voice is loud, but he's not yet shouting.

"Raph.. That's not-" You start but he cuts you off.

"I don't get you! How can you be so calm all the time!? Don't you see in how much danger you are?!" With every sentence he raises his voice until he's shouting in your face.

Raphael's outburst came so sudden to you that you stand there stunned and you don't know what to say to him.

Leonardo decides to step between you and Raphael.

"That's enough Raphael."

"Stay out of this fearless." Raph growls at his brother, his stance ready to pounce.

This was going to escalate. You need to do something to calm him down. The only thing that comes to mind is something your father used to do to calm you down when you were a kid. You rub your hands together, warming them up. Then you place each of them on either side of Raphael's head, turn him to face you and start talking to him softly.

"Wha-" Raphael is stunned when he sees you staring straight into his eyes, a determined look on your face and start talking to him. He doesn't even register what you're saying because now he's suddenly aware of your hands on his head. 'They are so warm.' He suddenly feels much calmer. Raphael listens to the tone in your voice. 'It's that tone again.' Raphael gaze intensifies and he grabs one of your hands. You lower your arms.

Immediately Leo, who had been carefully observing the situation, jumps back in. "Raphael."

Raph ignores him.

"Why do you keep doing that?" His tone is steady and calm when he addresses you this time.

"Doing what?" You ask.

"Talkin to me like I'm some sorta hurt animal."

"I- That wasn't. I'm sorry if you thought that! My dad always talked to me when I was scared or angry to calm me down, so I just figured maybe it would help?" You say apologetic.

"Miss Y/n." Master Splinter suddenly stands in front of you.

"What did you do to my son to calm Raphael's mind?"

"Ah, it's just something my dad taught me when I was a kid."

"Hmmm, is that so? I believe you possess a gift miss. One that perhaps should be further explored." Master Splinter wanders off again, deep in thought.

"Uuhm, Raph. Can we talk, somewhere alone?" You ask.

Raphael complies and leads you to his room. He closes the door behind you two.

"Look. I'm sorry I yelled at ya.." Raphael begins when you sit down on his bed. Huh, this is the first time you see his room. You take a moment to look around. The place is a bit messy, but not unbearable. A few band posters hang on the wall, comic books in the corner, some weapons and weights scattered across the floor and a closet full of god knows what is piling it's content out. Over all a typical teenage room.

"That's cool man, I think I'll survive." You flash him a reassuring smile before you look serious again.

"So.. what happened?"

"I... I happened." Raphael sits next to you on his bed.

"I'm the one that led the Foot right to ya. And now they're looking for you, because they want me. I put ya in danger."

You reach out and lay your hand on his, ignoring the reddening of your cheeks.
"It isn't your fault Raph. I decided I wanted to be friends even after you told me about those Foot ninja. I knew what I was getting into. And if being your friend means I'll have to take on an army of those ninja, I will. You can help me by toughening me up." You grin.

Raphael's emerald eyes pier into yours for a long time with a look like he's searching for something.

"If you're serious about getting stronger, we could ask master Splinter to train ya."

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